Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

Lincoln Fvfnin Journal and VlrVa Slale Jotimnl NiwfmW 17, P.M. 17 33 Booked After Sioux City plication for an adopted child Omaha jMorals Raid r-s was progressing. It was progres sing fine. OMAHA UV-Thirty-three per sons were booked by police after Councilmen Are Indicted- They had left Mlnden before special delivery letter arrived i Stork Arrives Before Letter OMAHA Bn When Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Dahl, Mind.en farmers, drove a truck here on business they stopped at the Nebraska Children's Home Society office, just to see how their ap- the morals squad made, lightning raids on two night spots, the Off- there, telling them their application was approved. When they a. The romnrvnoe rate fw She year IBM any other who nits me requirements for reduced tale as sat out aaid bcdine 4-4 fl) tludl be ee follows: laj Every anca tnsnloyar trim mm ratio It lions 3 i pa cenojot ta but -n4 incliidtnt 4.0 pee cafttuaa shall Pr umnouuona at the late at 4.0 Pel natunu Every such otaploya ohosa PMin ratio Is from 4 par centum lo but; pxK Includmt 4 1 per centum shall pay coMtiouuoM at IM lata at 1.S per cemum; (c) Every such employer hosa fatrnw ratio from 4 per centom to but not iiKliidins per centum shall pjy contnbutiana al tha rate of 1.0 per centum; U) Every such tmoloreT whose teaerae 'Comeback Being Made By Benson' OMAHA WV-Aidg 0f Secretary of Agriculture Benson, recent target of some farm leaden because of hit policies, expressed belief that he is staging a "comeback" in popularity. They based this belief on what the secretary has heard on a Western drought inspection tour Beat Club and TMA Club. a Officers said bottles from the Identified themselves at lhe society they were told the baby would be ready soon, SIOUX CITY, Ia.

(flV-Specific charges that three Sioux City councilmen engaged in improper conduct of city affairs were read Off-Bcat Club, which does not have a liquor license, filled four Before leaving for Minden. the Evans and Fletcher were named alleged that Evans used his of Da his loaded their truck with a ton of lumber "so it would ride easier for the baby." boxes. Ten men and women were booked as inmates, two were fice to conspire with five other persons to receive commissions charged with liquor violations and another charged with being keeper of a disorderly house. and bonuses specifically book Notice to Creditor he has the character keeping fees in consideration of mm k) trom i per senium to but not mcludms 61 per centtiat ahart pay contributions si the rats of I per cemami, Every such employer whose rsx ni ratio It trom 5 5 per centum to hut not includins S.0 per centua sharl pay contributiofta the rata of 9 i per cenramt IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of letting public contracts and that Electrically-operated doors at LANCASTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the Matter of ins Doc 183 Pas 100 in District Court here when the councilmen appeared on con-spriacy indictments returned by the Woodbury County Grand Jury. The three are Safety Supt.

Nicholas O'Millinuk, Finance Supt. Clem Evans and Parks Supt. Drew Fletcher. They appeared with Mark Sabel, Sioux City fruit dealer, who also was named in one of the indictments. All waived arraignment and were given until Nov.

27 to enter pleas. In a separate action brought of his mail in recent days, and reports of. political leaders. Everywhere the COP farm leader stopped to check on Uiaaolution of! LANCASTER Fletcher conspired to accept "gratuities" in the sale and purchase of equipment lor the parks and public buildings division. All COI NTY FARMCRSi (f) Every such employer whose ratio ta 60 per centam ot the TMA Club failed to keep out the raiders led by Officer Eugene Mahoney and -State Liquor Agent William Peck.

One officer kicked a door in. Thirteen persons were drought conditions in Texas, OP.OFR FOR FILING and HEARING OH CLAIMS sad for NOTICE TO CREDITORS NON-STOCK COOPERATIVE. ASSOCIATION, four posted 11,500 bonds. arts 1 1 psy contributions at tha rata of 0.1 per centum. I.

At used In this rule, the term "re-, lorporattos, rvew Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming and Utah he received assurances from farmers and see It ordered that ill claim aeainst Iht serve ratio" it the ratio of the balaaeo hit THOSE NAMED in. the Evans NEBRASKA BROTHERS IN WASHINGTON Two of the three Brownell brothers, sons of Mrs. Herbert Brownell of 2045 are reunited in Washington U.S. Atty. Gen.

Herbert Brownell (left) congratulates his brother, Samuel, as Dr. Brownell took the oath of office as commissioner of education in the of Health, Education and Welfare. Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, secretary of the department (right), witnessed the oath-taking ceremony in Washington. (AP Wirephoto.) IncaMcr Farmers Non-Stock Cooperative Association, a dissolved corporate.

and Fletcher indictments as hav booked there as inmates, two were charged with vagrancy and a third with being keeper of a disorderly house. ing had transactions with the two ranchers that they supported hit policies on farm price supports and his controversial action in councilmen were Paul Taylor, a before the District Court. Sabel and five operators here mad be filed on of Before the 30th day of December, 19A.1, or be forrvrr barred; that hearins on claina tiled will be held Mora Joarrtb O'Gara. the duly appointed and qualified receiver of said dissolved corporation, on the tth day of January. 1fiJ4, at partner in the Malloy Equipment R.

V. Luebben. Sioux City reorganizing his department BENSON wound up the 5.000 supports for crops on the ground are under indictment on charges of conspiracy to pay protection money to Sabel, whose home 2:00 P.M., In Ml oil lit at, 713 First National Bank Building. Lincoln. Lancaster contractor; E.

K. Greene, an in that they tend to. price the eom County. -Nrbraskst and that notkc of tail surance agent: Noel McKenna, mile drought tour with a stop in Missouri. He was accompanied order be oublufied In the Lincoln Star and modifies put -of markets, create was partly destroyed by a-black powder bomb explosion Jast Sioux City policeman and Dur wood Evans, former city the employer's tsperienre account at the be-' tinnins of the year 1954 to tha averaee of the annual payroll hv whkh coMribuiirmoi were measured for the years 1S30 1951.j and 1ft.Vt.

4. Par the purpose of determinbtf whkh' employers are qualified for kmc rates aod for drtermhtlnt taperlaiies ratlnt, all eon-j tibutiona with- respect lo 1X63 or prior employment whlrh are received ea or hrforal January SI. 19M shall be considered a tiavint) hers said at the hesinauns of tha year. Adooted Vovemher It. 105J STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF LANTASTFR JAILS t.

WEASMER. Cnmmhafoeier of LabttTI the Stale of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the a Save and foreeoinc is true and correct copy of Rule XXf of the TXvdlon of Employment Security of fho Department of Labor of tha Stale of Nebraska, duly adopted by the Commtaioner on November 5. after public keannty by officials from his department, the l-irtcoln Slat Journal newspaper! run lisbed ia Lincoln, Lancaster County. Nebraska, onct ervb week, and cm the aimc September. surpluses and bring on produc ton controls.

Rep. Belcher (R-Okla), repre day reclL week, for tour consecutive weeks. Mayor Ralph Henderson said Dated that flth day of November, 1963. ITWAS DISCLOSED Tefore son does not have the support in Congress, particularly among some farm-state members of his own party, that he needs. They predicted he "will spend considerable time in the weeks ahead to win" theuTsupportr At Omaha, where the Benson plane halted for refueling, the secretary talked with Paul Kru-ger, cattleman of Fort Calhoun, about farm feeling.

Kruger said Benson was gaining support among com belt he never has bad cause to sus senting the House Agriculture CommitteerHomer Oruenther, a White House assistant, and HARRY A. SPENCER District Judi Benson associates believe the next several weeks will bring pect any wrong doing in council affairs and he hoped the three the secretary further encour newsman. Judge L. B. Forsling that O'Millinuk and Sabel were named in one indictment specifically charging that they interfered with the sale of lire engines, traffic control equipment and agement.

They are counting members wouia De ciearea. Benson party after participating in a House Agriculture Committee tour of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast areas seeking farmer views on new agricultural legislation, said the secretary- is "getting stronger every day." BELCHER, also took part in a recent committee tour of the Midwest that uncovered strong farmer criticism of Benson views. At Lubbock, Benson aides were told by H. J. Porter Texas Republican national committeeman, that his mail showing increasing support for the secretary in that state.

Benson opposes direct price Ia summing up matter for reporters, the Benson -aides said upon the National Grange, now O'Millinuk, Evans and Fletcher 'Notice Notice it hereby lrm ttiat The followtflt Rule ta been adopted br the Comoua- Isioner of Labor for the administration of tha Employment Security Law of tha Stat 'of Nebraska: said they had no intention of re things started turning favorable meeting in convention at Burlington, to endorse Benson's thereon os JvovemtverS, 18o3, snriuant signing. lor Benson alter he had rejected Publication of nouce-tf said I besrisa dury parking meters, that they interfered with the issuance of 'made sccordtne to law. The grand jury earlier indicted philosophy. RL I XXI Contributions by Employers l'XA demands of a "cattlemen's caravan" for cattle price supports Hyman B. Zelen of Lincoln.

beer permits, that they, granted and after he went ahead with 1. The -eoatrlbntioa rata for the year IBM of any employer who fails to meet the requirements for a reduced rate at art out and the Duncan Parking Meter Chicago, for which Zelen immunity for violations of the liquor laws and interfered with THEY ALSO expected similar action by the American Farm Sen. Butler (R-Neb), who met the Benson plane here, told the secretary livestock men in department reorganization plan IV WITNESS WHEREOF. I have set), my band and affiled the official seal of th of Labor tha) fitk day of) 'Novembar, 1963. Mamea L.

Westmer I Commuiiooet ot Labor Commissioner of Labor ktats of Nebraska i Seal la Section 48-4 (1) and every employer promotions and pay raises in works, on a charge of conspiring to sell parking meters to the city over opposition of some soil con ervation leaders. iwbose reserve ratio It leal than 8.5 per centum shall bt 2.1 set senna el kit 154 Bureau Federation at its conven tion in Chicago next month. the fire department. this area approved his meat buy' tag Another indictment in which without lawful bidding. Rep.

Belcher, who joined the Aides said they feel that Ben 24 Us. Cart far Sale ii Us. Cart for Sale 24 Used Cars far lata 34 Use. Cart Far Sal 24 Trailer Home 11 Trackltva- HaMlitifl Lost 4t FoynJ Butinttt Sorvica Btutbn Ca. rartallway la-maiVa kaAatlinsi.

GROUCHO SPECIALS BURKE-SCHNEIDER General all around carpentry. Fine work at reasonable rates. 5-6383. -26 Pan Pertiaa brown female cat. black stripes Reward.

2733 F. 3-6009. -20 black dirt Carter, fi-4019. -i Spartan Manor trailer, birch finish, very clean, used shout 1,5 months. T.

A. Houwens. Auburn. Neb. 23 '50 Buk-k Super.

Iow mileaae. New tires. A-l condition. Private warty. 6-9269, 1024 R.

No deilert. 20 40 Olds 'OS14 Sedn-Finihrd In '4ft T1KROTO Club tm RAH THE i CRAZIEST Dealer Tour Autbortred "NttkN 1724-0" HAH, 4 TKIDOK Club i 'Buds Transfer. Movin cratinc facklB Baeaaara. Fro estimaws. hone Y22U5.

snllsa rt 1 trailer. Iftjj flOO reward for Information leadina to partirt who removed 16' aluminum sate trom pasture 6 miles east of General new cabinet repair, remodellns Diiksen Constructlori Co. 4-1043 -1? 24'" Columbia kuuse model. 11.675 5-7561 fetTtCHETT rnneraf for Mrs. Strtk Jaoe Burchett.

92, Whiteaboro. at 2 p.m. Thursday at VUiiteshoro. burial in Whiieaboro Cemetery. black with a white too This Olds la 448 RViffTt VKi 4fl DKSOTO 'Sedan, lub 1I V1 HFVR OLEI- 1 equipped wtffi radio, healer.

Hvdra- Leon ljtatiltnii, anv toru trash, etc See as for low monthly payments 1 red rk hnlldlne. Crete. All replies confiuVntii -J. Lautcrteaeh. Mirtr)-Nrtr rcte.

ah replies conlick-ntiai. JSED-CAR leh vou 'Vuv a new or' used trntlri or used trailer. T9 wm I WaticTitwt many tuner kilias. att; DOLPH OLDS 1832 or remodelint. 5-6000.

2-2940 tiKEEN LOAN Pravt haulin. anin. Ljht mOV 30 Others To Choose WHITE MOTORS 11 3 SAH Green Stamp books, workmen svallable im- t-vet. ec aunoty WORLD'S MOST POPULAR CAR eatimatea Phon Skilled insured mediately Fl 2-243fl. cnaoac.

in paper sack. 3742 H. -18 American. 3ft 2 bedroom, Int. Kcniliier.

8-6063. frash haulinf. Cinders, frrtilirrr for ul. I.Uhl Invrkine. etc.

.23 1817 0 Ws manes tube bath. Seversoo. 1240 rit O. 2-3thi. 11 Suwwr Cottoso Rotottt TTash haulint of -all kinda.

Rsaaon- Jit KHAM Charlet W. Durham. SI, of Huntintton, died Tuesday. Strrvlvon: wife Dora: sons. David Portland.

Dewey of Brook-aton. Ralph of (try ant, S.J)., and Ctrl of Lincoln; daushlers. Airs. Pearl Buhler of Rushville. lndtnd Mrt.

Ruby Duranske -and Mrs. VekJa Looocyj. both of Uncolns titter, Mrs. Emms Harr of Nelish: 15 rrandchildraa and 15 sreai rUCK JlTCltJhEPAIRISOj" BenifTEntlln Wstck Clock RePait Shot Special service. 240 So.

120, Small equity Take over payments. See our fine stock of used able as prompt service, a-uti. -i Want to bur cabin on Blue or Platti clesa 'bl Mercury or dor, RAH, overdrive. 30.000 actual snilea. Con mver.

o-oooo. tzt so xstn. i Trailer Srac, Rcpwiri 24-A sider trade. 718 So. 21st 23 "trKHBPOOt CtEAKItfO SALE IN TOWN! Take Advantage of These LOW PRICESI WAS NOW 52 Dodge Scd.

1845 1645 '52 Dodge Sed. 1845 1595 '52 Dodge Coach 1495 1345 iuslitht Trailer Court. 19 Chevrolet carrying the "OK" tag. Your guarantee for real satisfaction. See these cars drive them.

PoftwHwrS DiMtwkifl Good '41 Ford Tudor. Must Trailer trace, 1720 West I eluded. A-l ceaaoool and serxlc tank cleanlns every thins 120. 2257 Vine. -zo 1185 2 Free estimates.

6-7144. Alteratiooa. dretsmakuis. children A Deautitul 4 place tetttnt Easter lint Sterlina tilverware. fi-8t49.

-2i High Grade Used Cars CEMF.5T WORT" tRAT Mrs. Velma Gray, 43. 2812 Survivors: aushtrrs. Monday. Kolsom, died as clothes, buttonholes.

11441 Sumner 3-3274. -19 Alterations of all types. Custom Bins A real Tracks, Bowiat, Trailer Family Druttiit. Ley Drua, husband. Jess William: 11th A 1 '50 FORD Custom V-8 Tudor.

Radio, heater. New set of tubeless tires, A one-owner low-mileage beauty. Only $265 Down Protected by Bob Ring's 90-day 4,000 mile written guarantee. 17 TRADES TERMS BOB RING- 21st Open Eves. 2-4884 I rt.

Barbara of French. French Lincoln. pillowt lot weoatngi, o-unq. i They are being sold at drastic reductions! DU.TEAU FOR OVER 30 YEARS Set) The Boss Himself RIP VAN WINKLE Attractive offer to kind connle will. Nri.

Dorothy Nixon, Mrs. Mary A-l Basem*nt floors, sidewalks, driveways. John Stottcrn. 6-241 15 A-l Service. Cement work, founda-tiont, chimney repair.

firerHsce. bon-deains. house levellne. Prompt service. Rutl, Sons.

6-2734. -tt cArthur. Mrs. Keda ffaaaard. Mil.

-McAr Alterations Men't. ladles, children. Have you lost or sained? Sava by comins to 2209 R. 2-6417. 21 ins lo board and room mild menial case.

Modern farm horns preferred. Box 747 Journal-Star. -23 Jlovca Johnston, all of Little Rock. 1440 CORNHUSKER HIWAY- QUONSET HUT 47 1 Int. pickup, dual wheels ana boy.

'49 2 I)odte, tandem drive, like si rwtn Betty Tribell 1641 O. Open Eves 2-3050 bed- riiinm made rlraoeriea. a of Little Rock. ttepaon, J. A Aid nature Sulphur Vapor Baths, soothma maatase.

2-3977 1025 C. spreaaa, auiiuni, etc. mra, romr 3 OVER 25 YEARS 18 If 6-1788. 17 Chimney, foundations, stneen repair, patch oUuTerine. Wofkmanship ruar-antred.

Rah Evans. 20 '53 311 ft Tmilmobile tandem, stock elorhM made to order. '52 Ply. Sedan 1595 '52 Ply. Sub.

1795 52 Stude. Sed. 1595 '51 Dodge Sed. 1395 '51 Dodge Sed. 1645 51 Dodge Sed.

1645 51 IDodgtvSeda 1445 '51 Dodge Sed. .1645 Ambulatory lady. 1 vacancy. Goc Karen JsfkjJeinjsJl(il7, food a. care.

6-4171. trsller. '49 Federal dunur truck, new lirfes. Exoeriencea oessmakms. aiteraiions, Clean 1941 Nebraska-28 0klahbma-l3 1 1 5.

Patch plasterins. chimney work, house "tcvellrit eorrcctlns foundstloru. wa- Buick Super, reasonable, -2i firay of Little Kock, ttsters, Mrs. Jy Creamer and another sister of Tcaarkana, Mrs Pete Hams of Malvern, Ark.i brother. Harvey C'heatum of Traarkana.

and ej rht anndchlldrtn. Roper at Sons. 'VoRRISlfS Funeral tor Mn. Opal M. Morrrinn, 43.

509 So. lMh. at m. Wrdneastav at Umbrraers, the Jamea H. Otsen official, ins.

Mrs. Pat Dero will aim. kin, Attrntion rrtrnds ft Nriahbors! Are you eniertainint? Let me help plan 3-5204. dump truck, new tires. ,49 Federal formala.

children's clothes, costumes, DuitMhoica, 2-6393. 2-3620 20 your tapie accorationt a-1 m. '51 VICTORIA' '4 Federal tractor. 139.1. tainuft, it twtiiiia.v trwcT 2u I30S: 47 Diamond Ford's tinestl Lovely Tutooe, fuTl lidict tuitt.

4333 So. 48. 4-2424 21 AUTO AUCTION Every Wednesday 51 Dodge Sed. 1645 Iiodas wilk A A Krrvter. all types cement l.w,b 21 Such dreams can come true! raintitt9f Paparln equipped witn oraomaiic, t-asuo, heater.

sestcoveTS. while alls. bed. bed. '51 Dodge Coach 1395 Ctnltol ceramics.

2105 Greenware, porcalaln. eurmllea. Qciaoed Pieces. Claasca. 2-5742.

21 clockwork, basem*nt won. uuaswa-teed. D. Masters. 6-2606.

2S sltk '41 I'a I2S0. fiw. '47 Diam. Cbev. kb.

better 7 Dm, 2555 Randolph Bill Te Pallbearm: Ben fieier. P. Sinton 1730 rgPenn, Reasonable. All ttinHs of cement work. -l Jin.

Leon Binstiam. Oscar Hitky, 51 Dodge Coach 1395 51 Ply. Sed. 1445 rriond l.w.b. with 20 ft, bed We Finance Open Eves S-1382 6-8234.

DAY AND NIGHT Henry I and ueorao nntoer. us- C. V. PETERSON 6-5360 Your Used Car dreams will come true with one ot these BURKE SCHNEIDER guaranteed beauties, too. Test-drive one ot them to coin wemnnti farn.

51 Lincoln 4-door sedan. Hydra-Ma tic. RJ-H, lest than 10,000 actual mi. k- workmanship. Psintina.

paperlnt, tu-smtni, lrvin Tost, 5-H(i2S. -T Cement work Founrlatlons. masonry I4f3. 1950 h'H with sir vsccrum. 5th wheel, paddle tanks.

Also 24' Keyitonc train Mailer. 4-4HJO. -24 51 Ply. Sed. 1445 51 Ply.

Club 1445 Heant itut car Real buy to close so tree estimates, ora auaramrrji. Iv.m.1-. oino7 19 GLE wHAXE-Funeral for Mrs. Ars B. Shane.

6, IS36 No. 81st. at 3 p.m. Thursday at Epwortb Methodist Church, the Re. John J.

Held, of- 19th CAR STORAGE Rested not own tarate. IIS Per montl days. SIS oaf month tar day an feonrvin Hulbert An eiperlrnced paperhsnset. palmer, Reaaonabla. Eras estimates, samples.

8-2224. -t estate. G. V. Keller, and N.

a. Mta fmindatlona renaired. K' IVwtaa 2U4na dumo Statewide 1858 fUndorrm S-tml '51 Ply. Sed. 14M '51 Ply.

Coach 1295 day. Terms to suit you, R. C. Permit Make Consider Hinra. nrira.

cemejs woes, riwnn ftctatint. wyuks. noaaman-Bruin. '51 Ford Victoria painter neatly 16 car oa trad. anytime.

service 3-1007. IHEPARIV Lawrence Edward Shep- rhlt Am paperbanarr, cheaply, promptly Hawthorne. 8-9294. Cover erackSj This beautiful tutors bios hsrd-teia PREPARE POR WINTER 2-6819 MOTORS 1120 St. Cleaa 194S Cbevrolet RAH.

skis, Crosa btaadtrd Senrlca. A M. 10th 'osihle 51 Chev. coacn lsus '51 Stude. Club 1345 51 Pack.

Sed. ..1594 52 Nash State. 2-dr. Chimney All tmea of rmeat. has radio, hester, drive snd I Easle Goodyear whitewallt.

V. 23 Inlatrinr naintlnf. OR tnte, ard. 21, of Lincoln, died Sunday. Purvivort: wife.

Romas one dauahter. Kathy Janet snother. Mrs. Jeanettc Pfriffe. Lincoln: father.

Frank S. DAWLEY MOTOR CO. Plasttrina Liaht earpentrv tract or hour. Elmer Karlsoa. 2271 '52 Pontiac Chief, 2-dr.

1,995 CASH (or rour cat. Us Bars 10 2ft Trailer. two smsTt trtilers. bes of tin fin. carried rSLFR SO ilea and fully euersntrcd.

$295 LX)WN CURT iYMOOTH -155 F. L. laser. 1924 50 Dodge Club .1345 51 Nash SUtt. 4-dr: 1.195 Ins.

from Cment new and remodeled masonry. Cl.un.-H, WfVlt auar -F I sw. w- a ars a a Shrpard. RL Si two brothers. Duant r.Hf.

Waaler ifji laraotred paneitui DeSOTO PLYMOUTH DAVVCET- DEAL DAW Oresoa. where built of 11 aause STANDARD MOTORS rce eatlmatea. anteed. 1-Vm 1606 steer. Tsrpttills: broperly wired fot 51 Chev.

4-dr. P. G. 1,293 rou uoage eea. iota '51 Mercurv Club 1.450 150 Ply.

Club 1145 Lincolni three sisters, Mrs. Phyllit OPIH SI'NnAVS riSOO Cement work, all kinda Ed Bchsffee. tan iianti; ra WE FINANCE AT BANK RATE 1731 Open Eves. 4-387 '83 DeSoto and Pbmouta. priced to -30 50 Ply.

Cp. 1043 Ons YTficoln make. IW Seefavur. j. hhIrm aa fin.

Take 4 oassenaors. Share expenses. 6-4448. 47 Nash -door 495 Huahes. Mrs.

Alice Hares. Mrs. Tletty Kelloas. all of Lincoln. Hods- iMITM Funeral for Harold H.

is 4-door. RAH. 21.000. B0 Che, deltire tell '31 Plrmoutb 4 door, ant oiassT 'SO DeSoto Convertible, clean 50 Ply. Sed.

1143 47 Lincoln Fordor 493 40 4-1 lA fUf tmi. 3-5047. 2J Relerences. 4-2140 after 6 pen. -20 Full time boardina Vara forchil-dren Hillcrofi OiUdran'a Home.

We are eeulnped to pttt In mr foot-fn Tilockt. sMfwaiks. oVivewsva. me owner. PaTntlna -lntertor, exterior.

Also Baperhanams i Window waahini. utsida house painting Frew ostl- mates. 5-6115. Napue Brothers; 23 Heitrr Sinner ssysT 3-g aioner oo your wains lob." f--j 50 Ford Club 1095 '49 f'lraioutb 4-door. like aew FALt CLEARANCE SALE '51 Super "88 4-door.

This Olda J-1795 Smith. 87. Loa Anwelrs. at 3 p.m Thunda St Hodtman-Splain. The Rev.

Frank. Court olfteiatint. Son. 4-Ifl7. 734 Calvert 19 50 Stude.

Sed. 1093 Chevrolet 4-door ens owner Ford Sis Tudor, verr clean tutone ares' ana Biacs. SIM a equipped with radio hester. Hydrs-Matlc and Maalee ttrea RAN 46 Cbev. Cub 493 ALL FULLY EQUIPPED WInI'ERIZED 'eo.

rillSBANDS! IMTTRilHn '49 Dodge Sed. 1143 194 Dodae 2-ton. LwH srltb 13-ft, fKin folddowe bod J7S0 1947 Chew IH-toa. elea LWB JM0 13M Che. 2-ton.

IWB 4988 1T OSTRF.C 7 Wsrcurr ConvanlWs 6 Dodae 4-door. nice LtH)Ki Wyuka. TrMiflsCFunersI of Mra. Anna B. DOLPH OLD 1832 0S-33r titaTe't's today.

-ITiai 1445 1695 1425 1095 1445 1425 1345 1445 1395 1195 1195 1245 1245 1145 1195 1095 1243 1145 1095 1143 1195 1043 895 1045 895 045 995 825 -943 893 795 725 645 725 725 795 725 543 725 645 S45 825 675 695 395 393 725 623 593 625 643 -75 50 35 95 Fooiinaa. water lines, smtlc. electric lines, sad ass. to srldr Ca'l S-9785. -28 17 Hic.

in 1 950 Che. 2-toa. wiu. Self Bervlce, VValcrren, and aohal 11.098 DOdr LSP Ter druniau slso 'erminal Drussi ptavtR Ntlfrnfvff SELECT USED CARS "4 with 12-fl. arata Woods, (, lliaO who died slay, at 10 Wedoeaday at the hurch of the Immaculate Concep- iiort at Vlrsaes.

Msar. Morris Iww. na offklatlns. Burial ta St. Mary't 1951 Ford ord Use -mf easy psy Plan for labor am nd 49 Dodge Club 893 49 Ply.

Sed. 1043 49 Chev. Coach 1045 49 Ford Club 04 5 48 Dodge Coach 845 Gotf reason everywhere A "Soio trw L-l-TB tractor, vacuum material, ti-jo moouat sw way rr featnre the finest 21 Ladi lea and oa I suits altered. 1951 Anderson Floor Sandlna Co Lsylns. ssndtna ftnashlns.

4-2130. 4V4240. IS rrir.n 4714 PRE8COTT 4-23S9 61 Ford. RAH Fordomalk. Good condltioa.

Sacrlfka. 701 to 24 5-7801. JfcvTolet 5b" 3 49 Plymouth Sedan. BAH 4i 48 Plvmouth Scdaa. Kacoadl tinned COS So.

IS. Very reasonable. 3-1634. -14 rskea.snd axle U-J'l bn Burke-Schneider Cemetery at Ulyaesv PaUBearert: Jnhs anil Job Prochaaka. Uforaa lacsermsa Ray Tnckerman.

4-1 105 LWB tl-SXJ Larseat Auto Wreckins st 2017 6 Iftfll Ch 1952 II Uflft'yiVflL AtIll BAlrr-s 41 Tcr ticbaaer Dealer C. Llf tractor atr- Charles Bradley. Robert Turner and 48 Ply. Sed. 795 Tout Airttinriird NssbDeelee 1350 Paper hsnsinf.

Work auarsntred. Clfy. Farm Whins, 3-1531. now oaoer new tntnasemeos, dealrns in late model parts. 2 -speed alia "3 Marvin Provost.

lleimsooenen brak i. LBf-LI LAJ I jtestonaw. atsa ana wus. i-nsu. Virion runrrml of John Yaeser MSiis H7H Street Doan-Rose Auto Sales -its 47 7Soto Eedaa.

Recoodl. Pickup Special 3. S. Patterson electric. Commercial sad residential wirlns.

Iaone 2-8713. 20 PIONEER NURSING HOME scancy for ana or lady Excellent care 2636 Que. 2-2466 -19 rlvsts uonee nils redecorstins or houaecleanlns. 119 So. 19ta Ores Ives.

t-sMST 48 Ply. Coach 795 48 Ply. Sed. 795 48 DeSoto Sed. 895 48 Chev.

Coach 825 48 Ford Coach 795 clean your Pass A 68. 949. who died Monday, al p.m. Vednesdar at Roper Som. the Rev.

Georae Johnson, officlstlna. pelbert Plnterton will sin. Elita-: beth Soflia st Ihe oraan. Burial al EXCAVATING furniture, aa tntrs oacl l-oll Tit 5 ct us i ho hold 11 i-0H3 Sundays -1 8 HM0I H.C. H-ton Ptckoo S795 KINSEY IMPL.

TRK. un tu aeauca at REST HAVEN Available now. two HERS TO CMC MANF WTr Estrs Bice black '50 Olds a super charas. Must Sell This Week TvroT.N nm a Alvo. Eiperieoced house raisins, bssemrnt distint.

black A clay dirt. Uncoin Fwavatlns. 4-4020. 27 rorP4Tinxi delute 4-door sedan, am snow up 10 1700 for a ttsds la or late snodel Parrish Motors r-URNlfrilE ilAHT -Pbons for estimates. 4-2353 "SI rnCURT Sedan, Radio, beater, Mrrcomitk.

Good rubber. Use near Jk 47 Dodge Sed. 795 47 Ply. Sed. 745 wreck.

14 nice rooms oa mam floor for ladies or man and wife, one room od nest floor, man or lady. Prices start at ISS.00- Good food snd care. Licensed. References. U.

E. Marsh, Weerma Water. Neb. 17 Won Von VOR BETTER ISFD CARS ermine 2-504 Open No Iftth FlerhH 120 0 USED TRUCKS AH kinds of hanlln. Foundations tamped.

Black dirt. Odd toht. 6-307Z 23 SIDLES MOTORS JL Autoa Truckt Wanted 1700 Lons plavins and 45 anccd Inside. W.U uada for caeaper car. 275 'li SINCLAIR STATION 16TH Kecorda.

SEE THE BFST CSFP TRUCKS 51 Pontise Chieftstp fully eautnriede Any wrecked bumcd. tunk cart. Hlrh- u-H list price 7-1467 cw 4 oiaver ti'i. if Ksrrllrnt conditio. hacrtiice, -JO att prices itui -iu 47 Ply.

Sed. 745 47 Ford Coach 745 47 Ford Coach 795 47 Chev. Club 795 47 Buiek Sed. 545 47 Pack. Cch.

595 AT rSAItu Airs run rst IW1 Dodae IVi-loa. Uons wheelbase 51 Dodae 2-loo. LWB Hester A nice C'etn, lew miles ee truck iqsis t-nrd V.a lt4 4oa LWB tale Thursday. 8 am -9 pm. .120 Our Street 17Q7JT Rnmir 221 221 VII your tarden ptowins.

dltclnf done Law service Reasonable. V34WI flack aaaln ta do your ssrdrn Plow- No. 10. Lots of enod Vww Band I 'a rents Colk-e t. tun.

Auto Service. Parts. Tiros 23 AUVAYS TRY BEN FIRT For kard-to-iot auto parts. S01SO. feltlrf 51 OLDS "98" Holldcry 4-door 1H4S IHC LWB.

2-tTeed A barsam Sweet 'FOR' New IflM Chevrolet 4-door. attone Ift'iJ Clievrolet Suburbaa ma. Verne F. Pitrman 4-1 S0 -14 flowert tie rial fswlt 8210 luinr dot 2-toa 1948 l.V Spec nnosjara I Sacred Heart Alter Society Rum mate Fotd-dows WB altk alrvlsnd Ore Radio, heater. Hydra-Malic, whhrwalls.

ssie, nv na iuia. rvcuncswy. Keen THE BEST BUY IN TOWN IB48 ChrvToIrt I Vj Cardea piowinc. Fo'rtl couipment. 3 W33.

after 4 30 m. 22 plowlns Thomas Beemsn. I4H 4-door firtnoutn onrer ueiu. COLLEGE VIEW MOTORS OPEN SUNDAY o. 1.

II Free of Extra Costs funis nocry 47 Dodge Club 825 46 Dodge Club 745 46 Ford Coach 693 46 Dodge Sed. 745 46 Merc Coach 745 Dwals hears Optical IeM, Iwo doctors. No 1948 MbwwWSftta i Cwtsiwtoriam 4tll Ctlvrrt 4-2311 aiier pm. One larse chrome rthaust eatenslnn A local ana owner oeauiy. aaa $345 DOWN STANDARD MOTORS flelnrs 7 "0 sta, M714 4-3T1S.

anrolnlmenu necessary, no waita. jum Inside tiEARS lath St eTttrarice. -X "NASH BARGAIN I with every nniiywooo mutiier aoiu. Smlihvs. Sand vs.

Porter. Hollywood. MOTOR SALES Plain sarmentt deaned-preated. A beautiful aisrooa 1951 Stttetmsn bpeedway Motors. ii-Xi Speidell Son Rock of Aqfs lOTH it frrs.

Oardea plowlns. HJiO. Peterson Cleaners. 27 A R. 41 Buick Sed.

145 WK FINANCB AT BANK RATFJ 17.11 Open gvtl 2-36 door. Low an lease. Muis-pea, Sedan IflM Stisdrbakar ntimeloti rinwina Hlsrlna A lawn levellne drive. Dcflaivslr ecked "3 Radio, Heater. Drive, Sara Vlrsil Knarr, 3-7375.

10 first floor. lady ZINK SKAT COVERS Ir ASHIDNKn fO scancy Auto Sales 41 Chev. Coach. 125 40 Ply. Coach 95 38 Pack.

Sed. 175 11 Chnstiaa '52 Plymouths rsnt-AwtUM. 6. Plowlns snd disrlni. lawn saadlM.

Reasonable. 20 8. H904. I i(f tienu calls, In MomorUrw ouj Ford Vi-4ra, speed snnsv 9J1 Dodae ik-tos, traaaa. We Trade We Ftocrnc MowbrayMotors OPIV ITVTNINGS TTL FM WED.

"OK" VALUE SPECIAL tow rvnnr.F i-tnn. ls.nnr) c.V.W. C.14DINO Of Our Moihea- Vscsnry for patient, first floor. Nurses 'X Late 1951 Chevrolet Tosva 5edse PACKARD SERVI mi imri) car; tlnwln m'i vl I a. trraea: STsdins.

world may chaaao bra. McKrlds inisrauui nomr. Orchard. 21 Mi i SOUGH MOTOR CO. 3650 l-door Sedsns with kesters.

Tellow Cab Co. 20 No. 7tbL MowbrayMotors Fully eduipoea real sice netr- "PAY $245. DOWN" bark fllllnsr. Loarllnsj.

Ford asTUip-ment. J-90J3. afier 4:30 v.m. 22 vViNOA HlTi WELCH I KINCER BOYS And friends' from day to day. fua never wiu the one wa fcyrsd gteh'clndrew IT GCTTEB WORE Chtlnir asetaod for persnsrveni.

jsfs New A Csed Pant for all cars. MOTOR O' Ooea all dav Saturday 20OC LN St. removal of ttiperfloous ban. Coi 52 Rulek Tudor. 1A.OO0 ssUea.

Uska your appointment early for a rUaibiaL Inaured. 7-1140. B-1S1 R. Opea Eves Dowa fay. Res.

Ws Trad 3 Dilution without obllsauoa. 3 Wreckins 1V1 Pontise Itydrs- sell. RAH, CSIl w-lOi. 207 Sharp Bids. -Li Mauc alas radio, a of pan 19 RANDOLPH OLDS Why most people preler to buy a used car Irom a new car 'dealer.

Fwntral Dlrwrttye lft.W For! Hot Hod Couw. Krwlt; a 'J. Jill ffV Kscellenl 109 HP. enaine. Ixiw mileaae.

with a new ft. fold-down combination train snd stock bodv. Good IS tires. 2-ereed sale. Woods Circuslsnd Studio, back in bus- ai horsK MoviqA'lAJ'U3iL Ml ioTJClVl! jr acssBsuvc.

syuw, eawa Lincoln's This ee It Bootless! It at fa etesstrat 194S Cbrvrolet IretHe. 4-doo ws ws 3 weeks, inturmauoa. o-Jii, movers, Alao Bonded. Ikeaaed koine seen. Huns taos.

lm-'47 Packard, 4 hew tire, bat aallmali Very clraa Ihtoushout. Priced al only 1' ndatioa wore. free 24 Trailer Hoeisae i3M 9 OUT OF 10 terr. nan. sw.

as jo ciow, -aw 49. One owner. RAN DOLT ii UU JS.I2 Q-- 13 ii sU mode rn 53 24-ft. Traveleeis Umberger 2-8543 ett Shetff. Pres, f.

Bolsrr), Pollie Woodruff lV-h332 1110 onss movlna aV rsltina. Joundatloa TOUR REST BET BTH 1040 Dodse. '46 motor, lust over. 4 trailer, el.77711. Will bur tank" cars.

-41- work rree estlmsies. siiaranieen, 2-S711 Kapkelk Berlowltt. 23 hauled. RAH. sood rubber AUTHORIZED DEALER 11WS DU TEAU CHEVROLET Center Vat Dow Rslsins ayave tot.

Masonic Circle. Lincoln Toot new car dealer a as the rlebt equipment at hand to oropeilr con COACHES STUART amrsea. atraishten a basem*nts In-oot town THE Alao diatins 0-4H49. Memorial fart, wtu sell separately. 3-3227 -21 Hll.

lid. a-nojr. dition lbs seed car aa stilt. Cecil E. Wddlow American.

Travelo. Pacemaker nmmiinhi KlamlM l.iven 20 THE PLACE TO GO W0 "Buick 4-door ft AH Cotsi eon. ditlon. 175. 1412 No.

tlrd 11 He knows cbe hlstorr of eianr of the merson. 3S vesrs' esoerience. Reer 11 ttawMtw So lowt 114 K-a. IHU. LWH.

tires. used cart ne sells, ruwne ot inem ne to buy a guaranteed used SrVKRhON TRAILKR SALF 240 Wot 0 1B40 Meeiorv. sood motor A rati Ambtjlsw fhooe 2-AV15 Mortlcla. IS ftuaranleed B-12SI. snd serviced until Iher were Hsrsam, si tuy no.

ism. 11 sold new lived permanent proeilems S-3774. 1.9 in. Ton can oeoeno traded tor. 1125.

Sea after 8 eat. 614 fjladstone. 2J car worth the money 1B49 l-'ord H-ton plck-on. F.scellrnt from Wriabrs. 1344 No 71 a-lHOl.

STOP LOOK talftr of Bird cart like ibcm HELMSDOERFER Heater condition. New paint 'Skilled servlra Is economy, aealect cmtlv R. W. Nailer. 87 So 3-lrd 3 1 1147 udson.

New F.nslne. RA 1 1 1 1 st aviiwwe, JNERAL HOME WB WILT-JJOT PK rNPF.RSOLO GOLDEN RULE IS OUR RULE Down payt 52 Chev. 2-dr $1195 Toor new ear sense of com- 4025X STth Kurd Pickup Reconditioned hy 11 Member of American society Piano Technlclana. 3-3Sn. 16 lusinsrM Sarrvice itverorive.

aaaav aim iiiv 17th. Rear. 21 antin Tv reanonsmt tie anu a Tinamiwi ned rac.nll. 6.18 No. 24.

0-61811. USLU TnAiLLn CLEARANCE SALE 1295 1695 ARHORrDfl SERVinS rtASTrnirto LAI aoaitioa that nable bni to do so. rout assurance trust be will "hink. not Sfll. smdesirshle cars that cas be 52 Ford V-8 Tudor 52 Merc.

Sedan 52 Pontiae 2-dr Hodgman-Sploin Mortuary Car patrol, wttrkman, soardss hooded Jb plsaterma. 194S FW4 De Los rmb count! RAH. JWrdrtveJ .135 Dakota. li patch pa' A-l Lew dowa psvment, balance like rent 2 Dodse t-T pickup Deliver ver. Clean.

Too foodltloa. Rei plaatertge Bobtnaon flftaciivea. or not isnj. tv r. 1 Any rrasonarne pnea accer-ier, ft, Streamlieht.

modern, swr. dsaa. sonsble. Oikk sals. -1246.

104A AaKviKMT IttcrAiii" put auo sals tuivtaa coaaiwaa. Look Behind A Guarantee) I) tic oeoaaj rewn, Elaallent condltlaa. prlvatrlr 1-6 JOT lZHJkU, 7 II SL-kll Ilka mew. Patch tirea.

owned, latin Land Aui nt want Bultlaa Can be area. I '52 Ford Fordor, FJLL $295 52 Ford Tudor 295 51 Ford Club, F.M. 293 Roper 6 Sons cheaper than relay in a VVairr- -1 a rvlre, 12IOP.l-l.S71 nei 24 R. Ralawa refrlasrsiot Jb bottle S3 ft. r'lrle Schooner.

I bedroom. 7 Useti Cart for bate 2 52 Plymouth 4-dr. 51 Ford Sedan 51 Nash Sedan 51 Plym. Sedan 81 Stude. Sedan a sir taethod proeflaa lnslds I raw Tbt Biott Imooelartt thine shout yossr new ear eeaier't euara.iae use aa.

Mortuaries mates. 4-Z 1 1 TMl Fkeetllna errnHt aooj) jditlon, 8478. 1024 No. tt 1 477.1 iood 'Sfl Olds 4-Jnor. Runs ood, 50 Ford Tudor OD 250 thai ka il I be were it rou aeew TZt saasall mar bathroom.

Wsllt repaired, srplaced, waterproofed. 2442 So. 4th, S-780H. ia os Sim. and be has a bacttrmny n.o 51 Ford Vic, OD 295 Insured workassa.

I raw aatti 4 It Palace, stl metsl Ian. mher reconditioned, like rd trsllers. linn mm cmdtne sewer at srarer iinaa i ir- T37 PTymouth, 47 motor, new suar taami laouaaadt ot eaiauiew ii 20 Roberts Mortuary RH.U. n.Andy A 2J Ford 'tndor sedan. RAH.

Jrs). eellent soadltloa. Sftll Smlta. 4-4eV4. PIjACK DIRT A rot SPATIONS eneed pltrmbtna, isorasna aowsa yers ta par THRIFTEE SUPPLY anteed tires, wlnterired.

ft If. amis! aell this week. 4-tthbd altar 8 am. -21 Buy your used car wi 51 Merc. Coupe 51 Merc.

Sedan 31 Packard 4-dr, 845 Open to Strt. Sine 1878 KumherT black dirt, fill Iff. tamplns A. C. NtLbtNUU.

J10 to. 11 f-3M around lotindatiaria, a-tuai. a-wi. B-3SR1 40 Ford Custom. 1100.

1950 BUICK 1695 1195 1095 085 995 985 1265 1365 1595 893 1385 685 985 683 595 365 835 593 385 17 is '51 Ford Tudor 46 Ford Tudor 100 46 Ford Convert 100 '49 Merc. Tudor, OD 195 46 Ford Convertible ..130 '47 Ford Fordor 150 53 Mercury Monterey 493 '48 Lincoln Fordor 133 "SifMODElIisO ti' 0 Open 9 to 9 A Son. -8781 Las 1 raoww ftuper Extra clean, "lril.fl!lfl AND RKMOIIEMWO confidence lrom Randolph Olds 1832 New St Ued 2-3397 4-door tires. arw -2? 41 2 -door Chey delmr. beater.

i' a f. uin Quick tffitlent servtca. Insured work' smenier wort, new or rewetr Am lllack fesrher firs, contalolnt paorrt billfold: kert. Vicinity a i si. ii ihnI reward.

134. R. Stewart lewarr omnleieir modern 51 Ford Vict 51 Stude. Cpe. 51 Plym.

Coupe men. tthsr autU'iss a) tm-roviasi r43tl Comnl 1 Ike rrstier. floor, batnhoo rlraa Harrw.n, F'cl V-K with overdrive (loevd ueas, Cash. No Hades. 22-U "tV 41 Fiww Tudol nencrd snd csnanta rwTf new Riibher tile si.

3-MI14 after 5 pm. ilranea twin sinks IJvllHrroom ROTttfiTT.r'ls 3. Mrs Monsky. 1f snd votrr choice of bedroom CABINET Bt trade fie 4 door Chevrniet or 41 "51 Nash Sta. Wagon.

'52 Plymouth Club 250 Coeivenlble, low mileaae Pulvrrle your around 1 sreilis. ow-lal eahl. or Office and TV room in esrei' Oil Oiet nitt eretvlrne torch Olitfll it tltthesi catniseis f'uaiom built. htts Tt'ite pillMd low oat Colleee lew Mia or rVvmow relurn hllllold. contents.

4-44S1. 17 ewaiit lesmer aeais. itdrwalls aardenuia. WHB a ffVMOIIIIef. a yrr lent 1 xslinn.

7. -20 '41 Plymouth 4-door 33 n't kitchen Ink. 84)1 link. 0 b. mm wararr'naa I tnitia iwir 24 125.

tw ier II SAVE T41Tooliac. New tires, batlerrTle. SAVE biel 1379 BoMS-JWa, SAVE '49 Merc Sta. Wagon. '46 Ford Coupe '49 Merc.

Convert. 1 '51 Buicit Riviera 2V3 eluaea lost. Not. 11 siniia chsnieally food, Unheal oiler, be tioa to 1700 on voire mrrheae 1M Kluhea cshlnelt wardrobes jusiom Ponlisc. Cbief1aln Deluva Vmltlae.

Reward 2 'Knd paiatlna sapenae" with 10 real at 214 C. Ilukervillc. 1 NEW MtMiV TRAVF1. prlTSie a a r. run.

eniiiopen (mi It rumitiirr rormica, "3 hilt 4706 Snsjih 4H. 4-15510. 13 F.aale Co l-24 49 Ford Tavdor ssiarantee. at ilLli arlan- jairlv aooct COIKlt- ii Charlr'-me ntVakeef. Iet wtclnllv ij m.

tw, ftMrard. 4-31A7. e-aei. owner. aaU or trade, terms.

SIDLES BUICK 50TH SPECIALS CtlrfTINrrlTAw "I UFO A I. NASHUA 49 Pulek Super 193 51 Buick 4-door Super. 295 52 Buick Super 4-door 393 30 Olds 98 4-door 293 anf)i50 lon. 2 8578. Kit, rwihroom ehlets.

ward- r-r 27 ft. Nashua, tub bark 12 48 Willyi Sta. Wagon. '49 Ford Sta. rttoea.

ewstosa mtin meninsr. rwi'r. 41 Oldamoblle. Plymmilh. Mak cleenlnei eeedlni.

2c: bsrnyar 53 9l-fl. Moriera I7 Mth, offer. 4set7 S93 593 1911 Chevrolet Foweralide ennvertlhla. 1 monihs pid. miles.

Fvervrhint oa a. rmt 92Jn0 lakes 4-41 aft 4-7l. -12 77 -ft I.ehttionaa frrllllier. Mlark it-rt. 2 4't TRr new trt.

'X '49 Nash 2-dr '51 Olda 98 4-door 393 'ti Ford TmincTTiew factory rebuilt 1 A ft. Mainline 94t8 balH bss. Uarol arold motor, Transmission as difrerential 'snsmhsion as 150 WooVen raNnett. I'eleranfl lluildlnt 271 Ureal. New.

eomptete. Nmeerotn anslahtly trees p-irnmesl 1 iMamed Raducrd speclalttea. Si liij Sur 4f cncvroiei i at i checked 122b. Mi Mo 3. 21b.

i ro Aatwert 47 Merc. Sedan 47 Ford Sedan Ih Katk 11. SOI 130 Friday andolptl. 3 bee after pat. (I 4H t-nevroiri ai-oour et.

Nashua li 1 lrtaroiTlJ" of Sosr-hots. dowatovn ynvelnoa" rcsturday 27-ft. NMIonel Tanoess Ttmi irlmmecL sn-wetl. rrmem ft fowe aaulrrat lnastrsd llendrlcki 493 493 393 343 483 583 at. lee kiss' wtrrl.

,6 4127, '48 Nash Sedan '46 Nash Sfdan TlM 1 1 .1... aefwU lamsM mtm Commodore 9 sedaa R. rat 1100 dowa oa asnat ward Trailers '48 CHEVROLET Aero 2 door. Lovely tutone Cnlsh, without a mar on it. Fine equipment includes radio, heater, seatcoverl and sun- tvarrlriva.

A haoliitoly lias -11 tl'4 v.a of money. 40 dam 4-191 t-yeS. 4W '47 Chev. Sedan AkrvWO'TIl- Rr ialtrlolp A-l 'res tree Sea ns Snd bur fw less. 'K flUV.

HtXt. AND TRAfiw work Tree trtnttna rsllm.tea 4 6070 ALWAYS 8-8700 2 moral. Free rsl. Free 48 Puictc Ssn Answers "Husky." Be-ward. S-48IT A-l cfn-f work, roofint tMini tnh a-t hO If 11 3 '52 Chevrolet Bel Air 350 47 Chevrolet -door ,.100 4T Chevrolet Club 100 '33 Chevrolet 2 -door 395 41 Chevrolet 2-door 50 '52 Chevrolet 2-door 293 52 Chev.

4-door, P.G. 293 31 Chevrolet 4-door .,250 JAK'H TltAILtVK BkLfs '47 fiukk Special 4-donr. Radio, heater seat covers. Very (MS HAS- arte. Cell Gllltatle, Glllistle, 231 33 -4T7 Wkwet all tre wn-tee Inaneeal 137 Open

A Son, 2 13 '49 Chryf. Sedan I 3t atr-vtmy-a r-a r4la-7i if oa BARGAINS I A LI 1 1 If ami r.r. i v-v visor. $595 11 iiuiiviwi 1 llornetraller Pargalns STRM wmow rrss eriiitaa aw-ww a. 81 us comhlatioo storm d'wrs.

Chrvsler Saratoss 4 door -A Vice C-f firm 4-door sedan. RH. .1 ru n. RiifWlfs. KfttklarrHfj, 1941 1 i a.

staetnaee spaniel rent 793 8ns 193 793 803 913 1043 865 '49 FORD Tudor. Lota of 'm airnnwi IU i i Inlilreae 17 Yard elesntnai seedirs." If I harnyarrj 1 ma old rrcklea." Vk-li. Irwling. fionn trtvwt wit rvM tfwrr nrir All wml oenhvafcet Hlwa; Na ion '41 ad" aedsaeele. srrw-s hi.

RAH. New tire, clean. And. 1 sed Cars, JRihA -M '48 CIIEVROLET "CARRYALL" "50 Chevrolet 4-door 230 Lleaa 1 1 t41 Ihev 1 done aedss, betier I I'hev 1 door aedsa, better pet, Rewsi -eHOrraard. Child's an i sk fat at 7t good mill's left in this rar.

Hs radio, heater, spotlight wt flicks Co, 2-4157. 2 24 frOIHrlns Hlsik dirt 7-4SA4 TRklfll '50 Ford Sertan '46 Hudson Sedan 49 Merc. Sedan '50 Chev. 2-dr 'SO Nash Sedan '50 Merc. Sedan '50 Plym.

Coupe '50 Stude. Coupe '50 Ford Tudor '50r Pontlac 4-dr. n-rnt 1 Iv's wth pl.ik ha-4. C. A John Oeeit P-alr 1 Tmtr Ivw Th.iTS hi rrrwn Stoeieoi eoiilmnrni 4 1f7r -23 InlilsN rm hack Jr-n mavf-S This ia as eacerttonal a psaaenaef 'that la In Pithci con.1 noa.

lul Pvtlfci con-Vjic KlNSf.Y IMI rwsont 14- A WITH NKW rnS'STprrTlON Kr AU HlS NOT IN flllDINAHV til I 4 46 Pontiae 4-door 51 riymouth 4-door 4.1 Pontlac SrHlanette '43 Dodge 4-door 52 Dodae Club '48 Packard Convert kvnes. Nrh Risss teen SI I wsTd 7ii and good tires. $495 eQiiiPPs-d p. Ir ribtvwd'ek phon 110 at I fr S-iooft 100 3.0 100 191 29-1 71 firnrnter wmk New aid rf.mjV' Interior masonry and tenarnt. tryi wtwl new of ney, Rea fVAih HAVFI-fXK 8 7Ki.

tetter feed Csrs Alwses Harlow Newman 1743 893 865 943 Now ha a ho*rv Comb vrtitviva wrM wnid Insur- flnchlne Co. S-notices leal hir. are. wipes, r-nd M. n.m mm'.

iVi-i" 17 aV V. eshlneioo. Bewafd. -'fo STANDARD MOTORS i to JO wide ia nrnre rimditv. Innser life of ike tee.

tpetie A rs rtsrew Trine. sonahle, free ewlmslea, SIDLES BUICK Sine 1903 40 Ford Tudor "ALWAYS h'wne ttself omrsre Ihesa leatiirei in all aal rhea ask Mia mtrr. im t--ririri foe" teS.vemaiion" W-rl" "i rtifTr RiyT3 1711 Onen Fs. 2 '40 Htiidebalier very elean, ljid runntni tondiiiim. 5 61.12.

I. IT 7aramrri piaatertn. ra an iks. Small or bta. Raaaonahle a -rinl -It never dreamed thl yrir d'Mlaf could NICE CLEAN USED CARS fma aohoMetInt All work swara COPPLE BROS.

buy so mwh, we Art Diiren HKtsr, ni, mr im i It rh 1700 0 Open Eves. 1621 TERMS TRADES O'Shea-Rogers 14th ttmrft w-rk, osw or oai ftawsidei- custom. RAM. On. tit The cMnest.

nn.h at llJ4 Nni if iu. eSwmns Irnitn erj Frew ealiasa. 3 WlffW.w Wart(1" 49 rd IihI'w I 8ie)(iillT (jq ijiuu. ituvuxa ovui-o platz Motors 31 ben tonkins 4a ta 23rd It Open Eve. srsvshed.

atrlteea 140 fT. PH. 2 37118 ortN Fvrnf pA anu wiwls rv't la-w. baa at IM fir apartment slier 9 aia, 11 lit So. lt tot 13J 1 rea wora.

ajm WtlbLNMlLUR S-lJil.

Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.