Miraculous: Rise of Anatis - Chapter 76 - SassyDuckQueen (2024)

Chapter Text

~Akaihana Dōjō, Edo Village, 1656 AD~

The sounds of students training echoed through the halls as Mulan walked through, nodding as she watched her students form. She stopped and looked over at her home sadly. Toutai should be stood here next to her and she should be back at the temple of the miraculous, training new holders but Su Han had ruined that for both of them. She narrowed her eyes and dug her nails into her palm. She would kill him. She would rip out his heart as he ripped out hers.

"Sensi?" One of her students asked, making her look at them. "Are you ok, Sensi? You're crying,"

"I am fine," She answered, a little harshly. "Continue your training,"

"Yes, Sensi," The student replied as someone knocked on the door of the Dōjō before opening the door and walking over to her. She frowned as the young man bowed to her.

"Can I help you?"

"Are you Sensi Mila?" He asked, making her nod. He reached in his bag and took out an aged envelope. She didn't say anything and simply took it before looking at it. It had no address and the only words on it were 'Sensi Mila' but she recognized the writing straight away. It was Toutai's.

"When and who gave this to you?" She asked, looking at the delivery boy.

"I don't know his name, Sensi," He answered. "But he approached me two and a half years ago and gave me this letter. His instructions were to deliver this letter to you at this exact time and date. He tipped well and was very exact with his instruction,"

"I see," She answered, looking at the letter. "Thank you for delivering this,"

He nodded and bowed before he left. She left one of her top students in charge before going to her private room and sitting on the bed, looking at the letter. Part of her was terrified to open it but part of her longed to read Toutai's words so she opened the letter and began to read. The letter was heart filled and she couldn't help but smile. Typical of Toutai to arrange a letter for her when she was feeling low. She continued reading but slowly the feeling of the letter changed. It was still very much Toutai but towards the end of it, he explained that when he foresaw his death, he also foresaw hers and he debated on telling her. On one hand, he didn't want to scare her about it but on the other hand, he didn't want her to be afraid when the moment came. It was inevitable after all. Finally, he decided to put a message in the letter to warn her of the time so she wouldn't be afraid and so she could sort out her affairs before it happened. As she read his warning, she heard his voice echoing.

When the artisan city is bathed in red moonlight

Your end will come from shadowy blight

She frowned as she had no idea what he meant by that. Sure, it was about her death but why did he have to write in a riddle? Typical Toutai though. He often spoke in riddles when it came to important things. Apparently it was something that he inherited from one of his previous lives. She didn't believe him at first but after a while she got use to the riddles and came to believe that it had come from that. She shook her head and followed up the letter before lying down as her thoughts drifted to him.

"I miss you, Toutai,"

~Modern Day, Hawk Moth's Lair~

"Hawk Moth," Su Han declared as he walked through the butterfly garden. He glanced over at the coffin that housed Emile Agreste before tutting and walking towards the entrance to Hawkmoth's tower where he makes his akumas. Multiple shadows follow him as he walks to the lift and steps on it. He enters the room and clears his throat, causing Hawk Moth to face him. "Have you found the mage?"

"Patience," Hawkmoth replied. "The mage has yet to show himself,"

"My Patience is wearing thin," Su Han growled, crossing his arms. The last few days he was getting more and more demanding, making Hawkmoth annoyed too. "You promised me that you would deliver the Celestial guardian to me but you have yet to do so. Instead you created pathetic villains who are constantly defeated by Anatis and his pet,"

"Anatis and Lady Noir are- what did you just say?" Hawkmoth frowned, making Su Han repeat him but Hawkmoth shook his head. "No, about the Celestial Guardian. Is that not you?"

"I am but it is complicated," Su Han frowned. "And with the return of Feng's recent life, it's only a matter of time before he either reclaims the title or finds a way to reverse the wish,"

"Can the wish be reversed?" Hawkmoth asked, frowning.

"Never mind that," He growled. "Use Anatis to lead you to the mage or something. He must be in contact with him,"

"I tried to follow that beetle before and he worked out that we were following him. He sent me and Mayura on a wild goose chase around the city," He pointed, frowning deeply. Miracle Queen had been his most successful akuma but he did still want to find the current guardian of the miracle box but not just him anymore. There was also that other guardian who he had the pleasure of fighting. She was trained and from what he had learnt she was the one who looked after the Western Miracle Box. "While I would like to follow him and have him lead me to the mage and the miraculous guardians, I don't think I can. He catches on too quickly,"

"Hurry up and bring me the mage," He orders, leaving as Hawkmoth pinches his nose in annoyance. He returns back to the garden and walks over to the secret exit that allows him to come and go as he pleases. A shadow jumps down as a tall man dressed in a snake-like costume straightens up as Su Han barely acknowledges him. "Work with Hawkmoth and find the mage. I want him captured before the Ghost Festival.... and if that wench gets in the way... kill her,"

"As you wish," The man answers, bowing before disappearing in the shadows once more. Su Han continued to walk out of the lair. Meanwhile, Hawkmoth called off his transformation and sighed, pinching his nose again. Su Han was becoming impatient and driving him mad. Anatis and Lady Noir were able to defeat his akumas without trouble, even the ones Simme had influenced and Emile had yet to wake up. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes before he headed up to Nathalie's room and slipped inside as she typed away on her computer. Due to the exposure she had during her days as Mayura, she had gotten very ill. Her body was dramatically weakened and she often got sick easier than before. However she had good days and bad days now. Unfortunately, today was a bad day so she was doing her work in bed. Su Han had insisted that she stay out of their business yet Gabriel turned to her and not just that but he had given her back the peaco*ck miraculous. She was much more emotional then he was so he ignored Su Han and returned the miraculous to her when he realised he was not affecting the miraculous at all. She happily wore it and now it was almost back to fully functioning. Even Duusu had re-manifested. She looked up as he came in, her lunch on a tray in her lap. Duusu was sitting on the top of her head but Nathalie didn't seem to mind.

"Sir?" She asks as he sits down and takes off his glasses. He looked very stressed and for once it was genuine. He was stressed out. As well as being Hawkmoth, he had the duties of being Gabriel Agreste on his plate. In fact, it felt like the only thing he didn't have to worry about was being a father to Adrien since he rarely talked or socialised with the boy. Still, he didn't see anything wrong with that. After all, his son had his friends, Nathalie and his bodyguard. "Talk to me,"

"Su Han is on my back about the mage," He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I'm already having a difficult time without your help, then there's the added stress of finding the mage and claiming the miraculous. What should I do? Su Han thinks we should use Anatis to lead us to the mage and while I am inclined to use him to only lead us to the mage but also to the two guardians and their miracle boxes, Anatis is stubborn. No matter what I throw at him, he just finds a way,"

"Maybe that's exactly what we need to do," She suggested, making him look at her. "Anatis and Lady Noir are untouchable but the guardian would know. If we find him, not only will we find the miracle box but we could make him tell us the identity of the mage. We just need to find a way to avoid Anatis working out we're following him this time,"

"And how do you think we should do that?" He answers, frowning. She had been a tough one when he created Miracle Queen and he was certain she would present a challenge. A deep cough made them both look to the curtain as the shadows moved and turned into the man in the snake-like costume. He knelt down in front of them, making them both stare. They hadn't even seen him sneak through. Natalie frowned as she noticed Duusu hiding behind a pillow, shivering a little. She was afraid of the man.

"I believe I can be of assistance," He replied, not looking up. "Leave the capturing of the guardians to me. I will find their location and bring them to you,"

"And how will you do that?" Gabriel asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I will observe the heroes," He stated as if it was that simple. Gabriel frowned deeply as he knew it wasn't and walked over to the window, glancing out. He didn't trust the man but he would need him to track the heroes. However, Anatis only ever went to the Guardian when he needed help. If their new friend was going to find where the guardians were, they would have to force Anatis to call on his allies. That would make him go to the guardians to get the miraculous. Not only would they be able to capture the guardians but they would be able to claim the two miracle boxes too. However, they would need a powerful and dangerous akuma. One that would force Anatis' hand. As he thought about it, the sound of his son saying goodbye to someone drew his attention, making him pay attention to the scene outside of his window. Felix was waving to his son, along with none other than Luka Couffaine. He began to smirk as a plan began to form before he turned round to face Natalie and the newcomer. "Master Agreste?"

"Sir?" Nathalie asked as he smirked. "Are you ok?"

"If we are to capture the guardians then we will need their location and to get their location, we will need to force Anatis into a corner," He states, turning to the Cobra holder. "Just observing them won't work. They only contact the guardians when they need to so I will make an akuma that will force Anatis to take action. From that point, you'll be able to follow him. Just make sure not to give yourself away,"

"And how do you intend to force Anatis' hand?" The man asked.

"All heroes have a weakness and it just happens that I know one of Anatis'," He replied, walking over to Nathalie. "Nathalie, I will need two extra invite for the Diamond Dance this year,"

"Who should they be addressed to?" She asked.

"One to Miss Rossi. Her talents will be useful for my plan," He answers, making her nod and type.

"And the other?"

"Mr Couffaine," He ordered, making her frown but nod as she began to write up his invite. "Oh and make sure he has no plus one on the invite,"

"Yes sir," Nathalie nodded as he watched Luka wave to Adrien.

"If anyone can force Anatis into a corner, it's his most trusted civilian," He muttered to himself.

~Couple of Days Later~

Luka paced across his room as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked around. Hawkmoth and Simme were really quiet and it was concerning him. It was never a good thing when he went quiet as it meant he was planning something big. However, Luka had no idea what it could be. Hawkmoth didn't exactly have a pattern. The only day that was 'special' was heroes' day but the other times he went silent weren't special. Lady Noir had tried to reassure him last night by saying that Hawkmoth may be on Holiday but that didn't reassure him. The last two times he could arguably say that Hawkmoth went on holiday, it resulted in him and Lady Noir saving Shanghai and New York. He didn't want to think of what chaos Hawkmoth may be causing in another country. However, there was nothing on the news or anything. It should have reassured him but it didn't. He turned to Tikki and Snapp as they watched him with a lot of concern. He wasn't sleeping well again and his school work was suffering. Luckily, Felix and Adrien were helping him as well as his other friends. Marinette was also bringing him baked goods and drinks to help too as well as cuddling him when he was around. He went to open his mouth to say something but before he could, his mother's voice echoed.

"Luka? Someone's here to see you!!" She yelled, making him frown before he patted his shoulder. Snapp and Tikki flew over and hid in his hoodie. He walked up to the deck and frowned as he saw Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste's assistant, standing there. The first thing he noticed was she looked terrible. He had heard from Adrien that she had been bed ridden with a mysterious sickness that resembled the one his mother had before her disappearance. However, she seemed to be slowly recovering. Adrien had mentioned she had good days where she was able to walk around and do errands and bad days where she was bedridden and needed to rest. He had said his mother had similar days but she had more bad days then good where Nathalie had more good days then bad. Luka guessed today must be a good day.

"Hello, Ms Sancoeur," He smiled as she looked at him. In her hands was a white box with a white bow on it. He glanced at it as he walked over.

"Mr Couffaine," She stated, handing the box over to him. It was fairly light, surprising him a little. "Congratulations, you have been invited to the elusive Diamond Dance, hosted by Mr Agreste. If you are unfamiliar with the dance, I can explain it to you if you wish,"

"Um please?" He asked, looking at the envelope.

"Of course," She replied. "The Diamond Dance is an annual dance where the powerful and influential families introduce their most precious treasures. Their heirs and heiresses. Children such as Adrien Agreste, the Bourgeois sisters and Tsurugi Kagami are among them,"

"Then why did I get an invite?" He asked, confused.

"Mr Agreste is allowed to invite what is known as a 'diamond in the rough' to the dance," She explained, making him a little confused. "In other words, a child who is as bright as the other diamonds but doesn't come from a powerful or influential family. He decided that this year, you should be receive the invite,"

"Oh wow," He gasped, shocked as his mother grinned proudly. "Please thank Mr Agreste. I am very honoured he chose me,"

"Of course," She nodded as stern as ever. "If that is all, I will take my leave. Everything you will need is the box. That includes the location, date and time of the dance as well as your invite,"

"Thank you," He states, making her nod before she left. Anarka rushed over, grinning as he stared at the box in his hands. She pulled him into a hug and ruffled his hair. She looked so proud of him but he couldn't bring himself to be happy. He was too tired and worried but he pushed it aside and smiled as best as he could after she let him go. "I'm gonna look through this,"

"Of course," She nodded. "I can't believe this. Wait until Jagged hears about it,"

"Ma! He'll go crazy," He smiled, making her laugh before he headed back into his room. He closed his door and sat on his bed as Tikki and Snapp flew out of his hoodie. He was staring at the box but he didn't look pleased.

"Luka?" Tikki asked, quietly.

"It's like her," He muttered, shaking his head and pinching his nose. "Sorry..."

"It reminds you of Lady Blanche, doesn't it?" Tikki stated as Snapp looked confused. Luka sighed and nodded. "Luka..."

"I know it's silly," He replied, frowning before he pulled off the bow and took off the lid. Inside of it was a white mask with a diamond design on it and an envelope. He took the mask out first and examined it. It seemed very well made. He opened the envelope and took out the paper inside, reading it. It explained what the Diamond dance is and this year's theme as apparently there's a theme each year. It also contained its location, time and date. To his surprise, it was in three days' time. He frowned, worried about the dress code as he knew that his mother couldn't afford a brand new suit for him and he didn't want to bother Jagged or Marinette to either get him one or make it. It wasn't fair to ask either. Three days wasn't enough time to make an outfit and he didn't like the idea of asking Jagged for money. He sighed and continued reading. As he did, it revealed that the outfits had already been planned and included with the invite by Mr Agreste. He was surprised but relieved. He would have to find his own way to the location but luckily it was fairly nearby as they had chosen the same location where Clara Nightingale had originally filmed her location. It shouldn't be too hard to get to. He continued to read and frowned a little as he wasn't allowed to invite a plus one as it was a very exclusive event. Only though on the guestlist were allowed. He couldn't help but feel disappointed. He wanted to invite Marinette but he couldn't. He jumped as skype began to ring, causing him to go to his computer and answer the call.

"Hey," He smiled as Marinette smiled back at him. Chloe was also on the call, along with Adrien, Kagami, Felix, Nino and Alya. "How is everyone?"

"I'm good," Marinette smiled as she sewed something.

"Doing good, dude," Nino grinned as Alya gave a thumbs up.

"I'm good," Adrien replied, leaning on his hand. "Just tired from a long day and now I have to deal with the Diamond dance. Lila's going as well,"

"Yes, I heard she will be there," Kagami replied. "It is most unfortunate but luckily, me, Chloe and Felix will be there and we will keep her from you,"


"Uh, I am not going," Chloe declared before glancing at Adrien. "Sorry, Adrinkins but I feel it would be better for me not to attend. For the sake of my mental health. However, I can get Daddy to get her on the blacklist for the event if you want,"

"No, it's ok," He replied. "I'll still have Felix and Kagami. Luka, are you going to be attending? Father mentioned he had sent you an invite,"

"I got an invite," He replied, making Marinette, Nino and Alya stare. "But I can't invite Marinette as my plus one so I'm not sure I'll be going. Besides, I don't want to deal with Lila,"

"That's fair, dude,"

"Won't she be breaking her restraining order if she goes?"

"Technically, no," Luka sighed. "The restraining order has an order of 'staying away' so meaning she can't come into my home but that's why she can still attend the same school as me. Her father's legal team has been fighting us on it and are still trying to get it removed. It also says she has to stay 2 metres away from me in public places such as school and that,"

"So that's why she was able to come over and talk to Zoe," Marinette sighed, remembering she had introduced herself and had on purposely stayed at the other side of the table. She had wondered why she hadn't gotten in trouble and now that made more sense. "I wish I could join you for the party. That way I could make sure she won't try anything,"

"It's fine, Melody," He smiles, just happy she wanted to look out for him. "If I do go, I'll stick with Adrien, Felix and Kagami but I probably won't,"

"Well, why doesn't Marinette just use my invite?" Chloe states, making Marinette look at her with surprise. "I have no intention of going so that frees up an invite and there's going to be loads of rich kids so you can just pretend to be one. That way, Luka and you can both attend,"

"Chloe, that's brilliant," Adrien grinned. Luka had to admit it was good. "Of course, we still need to deal with Lila but I can try to talk to Father and have her removed from the list?"

"You don't have to do that, Adrien," Luka stated, deciding to go. Now that he thought about it, Lila will probably cause trouble and upset and that will lead to an akuma. If he attends the party, he'll be able to keep an eye on her and deal with the akuma quickly... Plus he didn't want to live his life in fear and it would force Lila to stay on the other side of the room. He can't help but feel a bit annoyed at Gabriel Agreste for inviting her but she was one of his top models. How? He didn't know but she was. It would be best to keep her in his sight for this event. "It would be nice to go with Marinette,"

"Then it's settled," Chloe declared. "Marinette will use my invite and attend the dance with Luka,"

"What about an outfit?!" Marinette gasped, realising she doesn't have one ready. "I'll have to pull an all-nighter!"

"Actually, the invite includes an outfit designed by father," Adrien explained, making Marinette look relieved. "Which means you won't have to worry about your outfit,"

"Well, that works," She chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. Luka couldn't help but smile at her, making her smile back. "Won't your father be annoyed though?"

"Father won't be physically present as usual," Adrien sighed, making the rest frown before Felix smirked.

"I, for one, am glad Uncle isn't joining us," He declared, leaning back in his chair a little. "It means we can actually have fun,"

"I concur," Kagami nodded. "We'll be able to enjoy ourselves without his watchful gaze but I should warn you all now. My own uncle is attending the dance,"

"You have an uncle?" Marinette asked, surprised as Kagami had never mentioned one before.

"Yes, he is... a strange man," She explained, frowning. "Mother doesn't talk much about him and only told me today that he is staying with us for the foreseeable future. From what I know, he works in the government back in Japan but is on vacation,"

"Then him and Uncle will get on famously if he's strange," Felix chuckled before the sound of Mr Culpa's voice echoed, calling him for dinner. "Ah, I have to go. It's dinner time and I'm not missing out on Auntie Bridgette's garlic bread. Talk later,"

"Bye," Everyone echoed as he waved before he logged off. One by one, everyone else left until it was just Luka and Marinette left.

"Thank you for letting me come with you," She smiled, making him smile back.

"Thank you for wanting to go with me," He replied, blushing a little. Even though they were official and had been for a while, he was still easily flustered by her. Especially by the way she looked at him. He noticed she often would just look at him like he was the best thing in the world and she was the luckiest girl. However, the way he saw it, he was the lucky one. She was so talented, kind and loving that he couldn't help but admire her. However, he also questioned if he was good enough for her. Not that he told her that. She didn't need to worry about his insecurities. "If I'm honest, I wasn't looking forward to it but now I can't wait because I get to go with you,"

"You're adorable," She grinned before an idea popped into her head. "If you want, you could drop by for dinner. I can whip up something extra for you,"

"I'd like that if your parents don't mind,"

"I'll go ask them," She replied, getting up and disappearing. He began to hum and tap his fingers as he waited. His mind drifted to the battle he attended with Bunnyx. He frowned deeply as his mind wandered. Since then, he had been dramatically weakened as he had shared some of his spiritual energy with his future self but he was concerned at how it got to that point. He hoped he had prevented it but he also had an awful feeling that he hadn't changed anything. He had been pushing to the back of his mind, trying to reassure himself that he had sorted it out but he didn't even know how he got to that point. The akuma didn't reveal his identity to Hawkmoth at all. In fact, he wasn't even listening to Hawkmoth at all. It reminded him of how Meishe refused to listen to Hawkmoth and lost complete control as well. It made sense. He was part spirit after all. However, he needed to make sure he had prevented it. "Luka?"

He jumped a little as Marinette had returned, making her frown.

"Sorry, I zoned out," He mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. "Am I good to pop round for dinner?"

"Ma and Papa are fine with it," She smiled, making him smile back.

"I'll be round soon then,"

~Night of the Diamond Dance~

"Ok so the plan is you guys enter separately so the security doesn't question anything," Chloe replied, making Marinette nod. They were stood outside the location, waiting for the boys to come by. Zoe had already gone inside. Chloe had mentioned her sister knew of the plan but was covering for her as she was 'sick' so her mother didn't question why she wasn't attending. Her father was also playing along but he didn't know Chloe was going to give Marinette her invite. "Marinette, you go first then Luka. Also, go to this gentleman. He's stood by the left and I've already informed him of our plans. He'll let you in,"

She showed Marinette a picture of one of the guards, making her nod.

"Once you're in, you'll be fine. No one will recognize you, thanks to the dress and mask and if anyone asks, use the name Marnetta Cheng," She declared, making Marinette nod. "It's close enough to your name to feel nature but separate enough for no one to make the connection,"

"You really thought of everything," Marinette chuckled as Kagami, Felix and Adrien arrived. She waved at them, causing them to wave back. "What if there's a spotlight on me and Luka though?"

"Oh, there won't be. Daddy told me that Kagami and Adrien will be the king and queen of the ball so you two lovebirds can just enjoy the dance," She grinned, making Marinette nod. "But you should be careful of the coal among the diamonds or in this dance, the black swan among the white swans. I suspect it will be Lila,"

"The coal?" She questioned, frowning. "What's that?"

"Oh it's someone who is given an invite purely to be laughed at by the rich," She replied, making Marinette stare in shock. "It hasn't happened for ages but according to Daddy, Mr Agreste announced earlier today that it will be coming back for this one. Daddy tried to talk him out of it as it could make the person vulnerable to Hawkmoth but Gabriel insisted as "you can't have a Swan-lake themed dance without the black swan". He's trying to argue it's just to keep to the theme but regardless, Lila will be laughed and ridiculed by the rich,"

"Seriously?" Marinette asked, crossing her arms. "Even Lila doesn't deserve that,"

"I agree," Chloe nodded.

"Agree with what?" Luka asked, walking over. Despite knowing his outfit was sorted, he was still wearing some really nice clothes including one of the shirts Marinette had made for him. They quickly brought him up to date, causing him to frown and agree as it was cruel. He was glad he was attending as he should be able to stop the inevitable akuma that would happen. With everyone there, Chloe bid them farewell for the night and headed back to the hotel for the night. Marinette went up to the security guard, who was in on the plan and he scanned her mask before directing her to a giant white box in the middle of the room. She nodded and waved at Luka before scanning her mask against a diamond shaped screen on it before a door opened, revealing a bright white light. She walked into it and the door closed behind her. Luka scanned his mask with the guard as well before going over to the box as well. He took a deep breath and scanned the mask against the diamond, causing the door to open. He hesitated for a moment at the bright light as it reminded him of Lady Blanche' power but he reminded himself that she was gone. He took another breath and stepped into the light, causing the door to close behind him. He glanced around before placing the mask over his face. As soon as he did, the bright light surrounded him, causing himself to cover his eyes to protect them. When it disappeared, his outfit had changed into a white tux. He raised an eyebrow before the door opened and he stepped out, seeing the room filled with children ranging from 15 to 17 years old. He glanced around and noticed Lila chatting to some of the guys and girls. He made a mental note to stay away from her but keep an eye on her. He looked up and saw Kagami and Adrien sitting together on a high rise platform. Adrien was wearing a silver tux while Kagami was wearing a red dress with a rose. Everyone else was either wearing a white tux or a white dress with a rose on the shoulder. He glanced around, looking for Marinette. He noticed her talking to Felix, causing him to smile and walk over.

"Hey," She grinned, handing him a drink.

"Thanks," He smiled, taking it. He took a sip and noticed a tall man walking with Kagami's mother. He seemed younger than her with darker hair but their face shape was similar, suggesting this was Kagami' uncle. He frowned as he noticed he wasn't dressed like anyone else. In fact, his outfit resembled that of a bat, making Luka conclude that he must have chosen to go with the character of Rothbart since the party was themed around Swan Lake. He thought it was a bit of an odd choice since Rothbart is a villain but he shrugged it off for a moment and continued to watch them. Zoe walked over and began to talk with them as they moved over to a seating area. However, he noticed a shade following him and he got this feeling of dread as he heard his song. It wasn't a pleasant tune at all. It could only be described as a song fit for a villain or a boss fight. It filled his mind and he couldn't help but feel that there was something really dangerous about him.

"Luka?" Felix asked as he stared, making him blink and look over. Marinette was also looking at him with concern as well.

"Who is that?" He asked, frowning as Kagami walked over.

"That's my uncle," She answered. "He came to visit,"

"Oh," He replied, frowning even more. "His song is... dark,"

"Unfortunately, I can believe it," She answered. "Back in Japan, he makes all the business deals for Mother so he has to fierce and cut throat,"

"Is that so?" Luka asked, frowning as someone slowly approached them. Before he could do anything, he suddenly felt a rough hand on his. He went to speak but the person pulled him into the centre of the room, making him look at him. The person dancing with him was a taller male, appearing not much older than himself. His hair was dark copper red and his skin slightly grey. His lips were a darker grey and his eyes were almost completely black with red irises. He was dressed in white like everyone else, making him look disturbing. He held Luka in a deathlike grip, forcefully dancing around with him as he smiled at him with fangs on show. Luka tried to pull away but he pulled him closer, causing Luka to grit his teeth. "Simme,"

"Hello, Little Mage," He stated, making Luka look at him in surprise. His surprise turned to fear as he realised not only did Simme know who he was but he was also able to touch him. In the previous timeline, Simme couldn't touch him and those under his influence are burnt from Luka's touch due to the extreme scale between the two. Since Luka was the host of Finni, he could be considered pure good and since Simme was pure evil, the two forces reacted to each other but right now it wasn't. Luka didn't have Finni's protection. "Aww, did you think I wouldn't recognize you, my dearest nemesis?"

He forcefully twirled him around.

"You may change your face, Little Mage but I can sense your soul and Finni... even when he's asleep... that's why I can touch you by the way," He answers, licking his lip as he dips Luka down, leaning over him. Luka couldn't help but look at him with fear and concern. "But you smell so much more delightful than our last meeting, especially right now. Your fear is delicious,"

"Let me go," Luka demands, looking around. He frowned as he noticed everyone was completely still as if they were frozen in place. He frowned deeply as he felt his fear increasing. "What did you do to them?"

Simme chuckled as he pulled him back up from the dip. Luka tried to pull away but Simme smirked and pulled him in closer. His grip got tighter to the extent that it was almost painful.

"Are you concerned I killed everyone?" He smirked as they moved across the dance floor in a strange waltz. Seeing Luka's expression, he laughed with cruel glee. "Relax, Little Mage. They're not dead,"

He spun him around and leaned close to his ear.

"Time is still in the spirit realm," He answers, pulling him back up. "I wanted to talk to you without any interruptions so I pulled you into it. Basic spirit magic, Luka. I thought Feng would have taught you that,"

"He did... " He replied, frowning as Simme continued their forced dance. There was no way he was going to tell Simme that right now his magic is much weaker than normal and he was struggling to go into the spirit realm due to his choice to share his energy. "Why do you want to talk to me? What do you want?"

"Because I want to talk before I consume your soul," He chuckles, causing Luka to look pale. "Oh, relax. I'm not going to consume you yet. No, no. That would be too easy, Little Mage,"

He grins in a dark and disturbing way, showing off many fangs in his mouth.

"Besides, you'll willingly give me your soul,"

"No, I won't,"

"Oh but you will," He laughs, spinning them around as if Luka was a ragged. "I'll make sure you will,"

"And how do you intend to do that?" Luka asked, trying to keep a brave facade. Simme smirked even more before he answered. His voice was raspy and harsh, sending shivers down Luka's spin.

"Despair," He growled before cackling. "I'm going to make you wish for death and when you're at your lowest, I will consume your pure soul and the best part is you'll be drowning in so much despair, you will let me. You'll beg me to end your miserable existence,"

"You're a cruel bastard," Luka growled, making Simme chuckle. "I won't give in to you. Ever,"

"Oh but you will. You will and I will savour your soul. Do you want to know why I'm waiting?" He asked before continuing without Luka's reply. "Because it will be much more fun and tastier this way. I could consume you here and now but I won't. Your soul will be the most delicious. It will be so much more sweeter if you're broken and it will be much more satisfying for you to just hand it over,"

He paused before continuing. His voice became so harsh it literally sent shivers of terror down Luka's spine.

"I'm going to break you, Luka," He stated. "I'm going to break you down and torment you until you beg me to end it and only then will I consume your soul. All your loved ones will be at my mercy and they're going to suffer as much as you. Your mother, your father, Juleka, Marinette, Lady Noir and all your friends as well as your mentors. I'm going to hurt all of them and it will all be your fault but don't worry. I won't tell Hawkmoth or Su Han that you're the mage. After all, they have their own plans for you and I won't let them ruin mine,"

Simme began to laugh like a manic as he let Luka drop to the floor, throwing his head back. The flash of a light suddenly occurred, causing Luka to blink and hold up his hand to his eyes as his laugh echoed into his head. He slowly lowered his hand as he heard Kagami calling his name. He blinked and found himself back in the normal world. People were whispering and pointing at him. Lila was smirking like the cat that got the cream while a number of the rich kids were looking at him like he was scum. His once white suit had changed black under the light, revealing him as the so-called 'Black Swan' but he didn't care. He was looking at the crowd wildly, searching for Simme. He saw him standing in the back. The wicked spirit lifted his finger to his lip as he smirked before turning and leaving the room, his voice echoing.

See you soon, Little Mage

Ignoring everyone around him, he rushed through the crowd, pushing through the crowd as he hurried to the exit. He had to catch up with Simme and stop whatever he was going to do. He was going to hurt everyone he loved and Luka would not let that happen. He looked around the outer room wildly, searching for where Simme went. His eyes widened as he saw him leaving the building via a fire exit. He rushed off as Marinette ran after him.

"Luka!" Marinette called, running after him as well. She pushed open the door as he looked around wildly and with a fear in her eyes that she had never seen before. This wasn't caused by the 'black swan' reveal. This was something else. He seemed so consumed by his fear that he didn't notice the akuma fluttering towards him. "Plagg, claws out!"

She quickly turned into Lady Noir before diving towards the akuma with her cataclysm ready. She caught it and destroyed it before it reached the mask Luka was wearing, causing him to look at her with shock.

"L-Lady Noire?" He gasped before his eyes widened as he saw the dust. "Oh no. I... I almost got akumatized. Oh god,"

"Luka, it's ok," She reassured as she could see the panic in his eyes.

"No, no. It isn't... it isn't ok," He gasped, stepping back. "He... he did it on purpose. He was trying to get me akumatized!"

He gripped his hair, making her try to stop him. It actually scared her. She had never seen Luka like this before.

"I fell for it," He gasped as Kagami, Felix and Adrien rushed outside. "No! You need to stay away from me!"

"Luka?" Adrien gasped as Lady Noir turned to calm him but he pushed her away. "Luka? What's wrong?"

"I can't. I won't let him hurt you!" He gasped, his eyes full of fear. Lady Noir frowned deeply as Luka covered his ears as if he was hearing something they couldn't. None of them had no idea that he could hear Simme laughing and whispering in his ears, telling him that he was going to make everyone he loves suffer. "Shut up! I won't let you hurt them!"

As soon as he shouted, a street lamp above them exploded but luckily they stepped back before anyone could get hurt. However, Luka was still covering his ears as Simme continued to whisper, causing him to mutter 'shut up' repeatedly. Kagami and Adrien weren't sure what to do as Felix just stared in shock. None of them had ever seen Luka like this. Lady Noir, however, could feel an energy building up inside her as she watched him suffering before suddenly she was no longer in the street. Suddenly, she found herself in front of a youthful looking man with black hair. He was dressed in a black toga with green details on it. His skin was tanned but had visible green veins across it. He also had large cat ears and a long tail as well as claws where his fingernails should be. The green veins lead to a gaping green hole in the middle of his chest and one of his arms was detached and surrounded by the same green veins that lead to the hole in his chest. His eyes were bright green and cat like and he had huge black bat wings with green veins. She blinked as she realised she was Marinette. Hadn't she transformed into Lady Noir a moment ago?

"You were," Plagg's voice echoed, making Marinette realise that the strange was in fact her kwami. This must be his true form. "It is, Dollface,"

"Plagg? What's going on?"

"You've reached a point where you can attune with me,"

"Wait... Like how Anatis attuned with Tikki?"

"Kind of but he meditated on that. You... seem to have reached it naturally,"

"I see," Marinette answered, finding it made sense. Anatis was much more practised then she was. Attunement by meditation made sense for him but her reaching it naturally. It seemed chaotic and unpredictable.

"As expected of a black cat," Plagg chuckled, reading her voice. "Want to continue and unlock level 2 of the black cat miraculous, Dollface?"

She bit her lip, considering it. She would be able to be more used to Anatis and be able to protect Paris better but also she would be able to protect Luka better too. With her mind made up, she nodded.

"Yes," She declared, causing Plagg to clear his voice as she waited.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I am Plagg, god of destruction and guardian of the black cat miraculous," He declared, making her nod as she listened. "As the god, I hereby give you permission to use the black cat miraculous to a better level. What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine so I'll share my power with you through time,"

He closed his eyes and chanted in a strange language which made no sense to Marinette before he leaned down and press a claw to her forehead, causing green veins to spread out from it as her eyes turned green and catlike as she was engulfed in a toxic green light before he appeared in his kwami form in front of her. "O-ok, it's done. Unlike Tikki's power, mine can't be shaped. The powers you will get are called Blight and Screech,"

Marinette nodded. Despite only hearing it for the first time, she knew what they were.

"All you need to do is channel it so you can use it," Plagg continued. "Also your timer will last for six minutes instead of five and your cataclysms will be more powerful. These changes will be effective straight away. Now go back to the physical world,"

"Right, thanks Plagg," She smiled before closing her eyes. When she reopened her eyes, she was back as Lady Noir in the street. Time still seemed slow as Luka was covering his ears and the other three were trying to calm him down. She felt the energy inside her build up even more as she remembered Plagg's words. It was like electricity all over her body and she just needed to channel it. She closed her eyes and focused on it, causing a green paw print to open up under her feet as the green details on her suit began to glow. Feeling the power within, she threw out her arms and spun around in a similar fashion to when she summoned her cataclysm, letting it destroy her old look and create a new one. Her boots turned into thigh high length and her gloves' length changed too, going with her elbows to her upper arm. The gloves gained an extra green on her wrist and a green line when up on either side of her upper arms. Her main suit gained a green zipper, complete with a golden bell. It also gained some extra green details around her stomach area, creating some extra armour. Her lower part of her suit turned dark green and had two lines on her thighs, resembling the ones on her dark bee suit. Her belt remained the same but her hair had changed a little. Instead of one braid that represented her tail, she had two braids with green beads on the end of them. She also had gained two ribbons on both of them at the top that were two shades of green. Her mask and her ears had gained a single green line around the edges and even her eyes had changed a little, appearing brighter then they had before. The light faded away, causing Kagami, Felix and Adrien to see her new form as she looked at Luka. To her surprise, she could see a silhouette around him, leaning over and whispering to him. She narrowed her eyes before she held up her hand, pointing her forefinger and middle finger up.

"Screech!" She called out, causing a small green orb to appear above her fingers before she moved it to her throat, pushing it against it before she inhaled and pushed out the power through her mouth, causing a loud, wailing noise that resembled sound waves to escape. The silhouette looming over Luka suddenly jumped back as the sound waves hit it, causing it to disappear before Lady Noir ran over. "Luka?!"

He looked up at her with fear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He gasped, lowering his hands. "I was trying to resist what he was saying but-"

"It's ok," She smiled, softly taking his hands in his. "His name is Simme. He's an evil spirit trying to make you feel hopeless so you can be akumatized easier,"

Luka looked at her with even more fear but she gave him a reassuring smile as Adrien gently rubbed his back. Kagami also stepped forward, trying her best to reassure Luka too, telling him that despite the fact that Gabriel had made him the 'black swan', it wasn't true and he was amazing. Luka, however, looked around before his eyes widened in slight panic.

"Where's Marinette? Is she ok?!" He gasped, making Adrien and Kagami look around for her.

~Hawk Moth's Lair~

"Damn that stupid cat!" Hawkmoth growled as Lady Noir not only destroyed his akuma but also chased off Simme, who had come back and told him that she had a new ability. He was pacing around his lair as Natalie stood nearby. However, before he could transform back, he suddenly sensed a new negative emotion. Panic and it was still coming from Luka, making him smirk. "Ah, a second chance. Luka Couffaine is still reeling and therefore still suitable for my akuma!"

He held out his hand, causing a butterfly to land in it before he smirked.

"Natatlie, his emotions are so strong," He stated as she stepped forward. "Let's bring it to a new dimension,"

"Duusu, spread my feathers," She declared, turning into Mayura. As she transformed, Hawkmoth took the chance to charge up his akuma, letting it fly out his hand.

"Fly away, little akuma and take over this lost soul," He declared, watching it fly out of the window. As it did, Mayura plucked out a feather from her fan and charged it up before blowing it and letting it flutter away.

"Fly away, beautiful amok," She declared, watching. "Enhance and hone that panic,"

~Back to Luka~

"Take a deep breath, Luka," Felix stated, helping Luka to calm down. Adrien and Kagami had gone to find Marinette as Lady Noir had to go and transform. Luka was still fairly panicked so Felix volunteered to stay with him. Right now, Luka was leaning against the wall, taking slow breaths as he tried to calm down. Felix had got him to do breathing exercises as it helped him remain focused. "Marinette probably went to go get help and she'll come back with Adrien and Kagami soon,"

He nodded as the akuma and amok floated towards them. However, before they could land on any of Luka's items, Felix saw them in the corner of his eye and quickly pushed Luka out of the way. Luka gasped in pain as he landed on the ground before getting up.

"Felix? That... Felix?" He asked, noticing Felix grabbing his head.

"No, I won't listen to you!" He gasped, making Luka realise he had been akumatized. "I don't need your powers to protect my friends!"

He seemed to be resisting as Luka rushed over.

"Felix! Resist them!" He gasped, reaching for his arm so he could grab the ring. However, there was a sudden burst of energy, causing Luka to fly back and land on the ground again as Felix stopped grabbing his head. Luka pushed himself up as Felix stood there. Shivers ran down his spine as Felix's mouth curved into a mischievous and dangerous smile. "Felix?"

"I told you. I don't need your powers," He stated, opening his eyes and revealing that they had turned a golden colour. "Not when I have my own,"

He threw his head back and laughed as the butterfly mask around him shattered. For a moment, Luka thought he had managed to break free of the akumatization but then he was consumed by the purple smog, changing his form. Luka looked on in shock as the now akumatized Felix checked out his new look. His skin was now grey, his hair was blonde with red highlights and his ears were pointed. His outfit was a suit similar to his Phenix Rouge outfit but he had a tail coat that resembled feathers. The suit was black while his shirt was red. He had a ruffle tie with a glowing red brooch while his tail coat had three red buttons. His boots were black with red soles and a red rim and his ring had turned black. His eyes had turned red like his Phenix Rouge form but the whites of his eyes had turned black, making them resemble the eyes of a black swan and his mask bore markings similar to the bird as well and it was black and red as well.

"Felix?" Luka asked, causing him to look at him.

"I'm not Felix anymore," He answered, making Luka step back. "I'm Black Swan,"

"You've been akumatized and Hawkmoth-"

"Has no control over me," He chuckled, suddenly grabbing Luka's arm. "But don't worry. I'm gonna sort out everyone and finally deal with Uncle,"

He suddenly pulled Luka nearby before dragging him over to a dumpster before clicking his fingers. A red wisp caused the lock to open, making Luka stare before Black Swan suddenly opened it and threw him inside with insane strength.

"Sorry about the dumpster but I don't want you to disappear," He answered, confusing Luka. "Now stay in here and be safe while I deal with everyone who's ever hurt us,"

He suddenly closed the dumpster, using what Luka can only assume is magic to lock it. Tikki flew out as Luka stared in shock. Was Felix a mage? And why wasn't Hawkmoth about to control him? He shook his head and took a deep breath. He can work out the details later. Right now, he needed to stop Felix.

"Tikki! Spots on!"

~Just outside the Diamond Dance Cube~

Black Swan whistled as he walked back into the building, heading towards the entrance. As he did, the security guards ran at him but he clicked his fingers, summoning the strange red wisp and using his hands, used it to throw them against the wall, knocking them out or causing the wall to warp around them. He pulled back the wisp and used it to unlock the entrance, stepping inside. Like before he was engulfed in a bright light before the entrance opened.

"I'm not surprised that Couffaine boy was the coal," One of the rich children laughed. "That freak even lives on a boat. Who in their right mind would think he was special?"

He whistled as he walked out, causing the guests to look at him as he stepped into the centre before holding out his hand. The blue smog of the amok appeared and took the form of a sphere as he finally gave his emotion of anger towards the guests and how they had treated Luka shape. They all looked at him with confusion and fear as the smog disappeared and revealed a small red orb, floating in his hand.

"Let the moon rise!" He declared, throwing it up into the air, causing the room to be bathed in its light before he turned to them as he laughed. "You are all at my mercy! The red moon gives me the power to wipe out anyone who's been bathed in its light with a snap of my fingers. Who wants to go first?"

"What is that idiot talking about?" One of the adults declared, causing Black Swan to smirk and snap his fingers. The man disappeared in a puff of red smoke, causing panic to ensue. The guests all ran at the exit, attempting to escape as Black Swan stalked towards them, snapping his fingers and making people disappear. He was making a beeline to a certain liar who was grabbing people and trying to get out of the door. She was about to escape when he clicked his fingers, causing the red wisp to wrap around her wrist and drag her back. He leaned over her and smirked.

"I'm going to make you slowly disappear bit by bit, Lila," He declared, going to snap his fingers but before he could, the sound of shattering caught his attention as Anatis crashed through the roof and landed on the dance floor. Black Swan turned from Lila as he looked over at the hero. "Anatis. You shouldn't be here,"

"I have to stop you, Black Swan," He stated, holding his yoyo out. "You've been akumatized and Hawkmoth-"

"Hawkmoth. Yes, I should make him disappear too," He mumbled, making a thinking face. "Getting rid of him would be beneficial for all of us,"

"I can't let you do that, Felix,"

"Black Swan and you won't have a choice, Anatis," He answers, clicking his fingers. The red wisp appeared from his fingers and landed in some of the chairs, causing them to come to life and rush over to Anatis. He used his yoyo to destroyed them but they reformed and continued to come at him. Realising his yoyo won't destroy the enchanted chairs, Anatis held up his own hand as his eyes turned silver. Though they flicked a bit.

"Ezeerf!" He declared, causing the chairs to freeze in place as Black Swan frowned before he clicked his fingers again. The red wisp reappeared and freed the chairs, causing them to come back to life. They surrounded Anatis as his eyes flickered and he felt an ache in his head. He still felt weak from Simme's mental attack plus his spiritual energy and magic wasn't at its peak due to his choice to give his energy to his future self.

"Sit down, Anatis. You look tired," Black Swan replied as Anatis gripped his head as his eyes flickered between silver and blue. "You don't need to fight me. I'm going to save Paris not condemn it,"

"Nrub," Anatis declared, causing the chairs to suddenly catch fire and turn to ash before he spun his yoyo. "I appreciate the offer but I can not rest until you're deakumatized,"

"Fine," Black Swan replied, narrowing his eyes before Red Moon's light suddenly covered Anatis as it rose. "If you won't let me do this then I'll make you disappear too,"

He held up his fingers, ready to snap his fingers but before he could, a scream suddenly echoed. The soundwaves hit him, causing him to go flying as Lady Noir jumped down. Anatis looked at her with shock as she winked at him before he nodded and threw up his yoyo, causing his outfit to change.

"Lucky charm!" He called out, summoning the magical swarm. A small dragon statue appeared and fell, causing Anatis to catch it as Black Swan got up. Lady Noir ran at him and began to fight him as Anatis glanced around trying to solve it. The item looked familiar but before he could, Black Swan clicked his fingers. Lady Noir disappeared in a puff of red smoke, causing Anatis to stare in horror as he dropped the lucky charm. "No!"

He narrowed his eyes before slamming his yoyo into Black Swan and pulling him back to him.

"Bring her back now!" He growled, causing Black Swan to smirk.

"Give me your miraculous and I will," He answered but before Anatis could say or do anything, a strange energy wave suddenly flowed over. Time froze as Atrarus walked through. He stopped in front of Anatis and tapped him with his cane, causing him to be able to move again. He looked around wildly before his eyes landed on Atrarus.

"You?" Anatis asked, looking at Atrarus with slight surprise. Before he could do anything, the air around them began to warp.

"We need to leave now," He answered, making Anatis frown as Black Swan began to blink, breaking through Atrarus' ability. He nodded and left with Atrarus before Black Swan broke free. The two of them rushed to the sewers to hide. Anatis leaned against the wall as he took a deep breath. "Take a deep breath, Anatis. I need your head in the game to defeat him and get everyone he snapped back,"

"W-what?" He asked, confused. "Hold on. I never got to ask who you were last time,"

"Introductions can wait-"

"No, you can tell me who you are now," Anatis declared, crossing his arms. Atrarus sighed softly before nodding as he knew this would happen. "Well?"

"My name is Atrarus," He replied. "I am the holder of the swan miraculous and the acting grand mage of Paris. I only interfere when necessary and if I hadn't interfered when I did, Black Swan would have snapped you out of existence too and then everyone else. That is not the ideal outcome so I changed it,"

"Wait.. you're a mage?"

"Yes, magic exi-"

"Yes, I know," Anatis replied, nodding. "I've just haven't met another mage before,"

"Yes, well we are... wait what?" He asked, realising Anatis referred to himself as a mage. That was an outcome that even he didn't expect. "You're a mage?"

"You didn't know?" Anatis asked as they heard Black Swan shouting for him to show himself. Anatis looked up and a look of uncertainty came on his face. Atrarus frowned before placing his hand on the young boy' shoulder.

"We'll come back to that later," He stated. "Now you summoned a lucky charm, yes?"

Anatis nodded.

"What was it?" He asked. "Did you work out how to use it?"

"No, I couldn't," He mumbled, frowning. "But it was a dragon statue. I couldn't think how to use it but it was... Oh! Of course!"

He turned to Atrarus.

"It was a hint," He declared. "Master Fu had a dragon statue in his apartment. That must be-"

Atrarus suddenly pushed Anatis out of the way as the manhole they were under suddenly opened before he disappeared into a puff of red smoke. Black Swan jumped down but Anatis had already turned into his aqua form and dived into the water, swimming out of there. He got into the Seine and jumped out of it, swinging towards Master Fu's new place, entering through the window. As he did, a shadow stepped out and formed the Cobra holder before he pressed his finger to his ear.

"Hawk Moth, Mayura. I have the guardians address,"

~Inside Master Fu's House~

"Master Fu!" Anatis gasped as he landed in the living room. Master Fu looked up from the cup of tea he was giving Mila before frowning and getting up as Anatis turned back into Luka, looking close to bursting into tears. Tikki frowned and gently placed a paw on his arm as he began to explain. "I need help. The akuma... felix... he can use magic and he's making everyone disappear. I don't know how to defeat him. He made Lady Noir. It's just like that again. I can't. I don't know!"

He began to hyperventilate, causing Mila to get up. She nodded at Fu, who got a blanket and put it round his shoulders as she walked over.

"Luka, breathe with me," Mila declared, taking his hands in hers. She got him to breathe in and out with her until he had started to calm down. Finally, she got him to sit down and Fu passed him a warm cup of tea. He also gave Tikki a cookie to help her recharge. "Better?"

He nodded before looking down.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled, making both guardians frown. "I just... I nearly got akumatized twice and it's my fault Felix is an akuma. He pushed me out of the way and I... I failed to protect him. I shouldn't have let Simme get-"

"Simme?" Master Fu asked, causing Luka to nod and explain what had occurred during the dance and how Felix got akumatized. As he spoke, the room filled with red light, causing the three of them to rush to the window and look out. As they did, Mila's eyes widened as the warning she had received from Toutai centuries ago suddenly made sense. The Artisan City was Paris and right now it was bathed in red moonlight from the Sentimonster that Felix was controlling. However, she decided to keep it to herself. She had prepared for this day for centuries and she wasn't going to add to Luka' stress even more. Master Fu frowned deeply as well. "Luka, what do we know about the akuma and sentimonster?"

"He's calling himself Black Swan," Luka mumbled, trying to focus. "A-and the Sentimonster is Red Moon. He can use it to make people disappear as long as he's bathed them in moonlight,"

"Sounds like to me you need to get rid of the moonlight then," Master Fu replied, making him nod before he got up and opened the Sonograph. He took out the miracle box and placed it in front of Luka as Mila took out her own and did the same. The two of them opened their boxes, revealing the miraculous to Luka. "Luka Couffaine, you must pick an ally to fight alongside you with this mission but choose carefully. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good and once the mission is over, you will return the miraculous to us,"

"You're right. Getting Rid of the Moonlight would take away his advantage but he's snapped a lot of people," He mumbled, frowning as he looked at the different miraculous before an idea popped into his head, causing him to grab the dragon miraculous. "But a clear sky is not on the forecast tonight,"

"It looks like you have a plan," Master Fu nodded, causing Luka to nod and pocket the miraculous. He went to get up but he stopped as a sudden feeling overwhelmed him. He couldn't explain it but he had the feeling he needed to take the Octopus miraculous and if he didn't take it now, he wouldn't get a chance to. He reached out and took it, causing the two masters to look at him. "Luka?"

"I have a feeling I'm going to need this and that if I don't take it now, I won't get a chance to grab it later," He answered, frowning to himself. He placed it in his pocket as the two nodded before standing up and turning back into Anatis now that he had calmed down and Tikki had recharged. "I'm sorry for almost breaking do-"

"Luka, you don't need to apologise," Mila answered as Fu nodded, agreeing with her. Anatis gave them a small smile before he left through the window and headed into the city. Mila let out a sigh, making Fu look at her. "The red moon..."

"Mila?" He asked but before they could do anything, the room suddenly filled with shadows. Both of them spun around as Hawkmoth stepped out of the shadows and smirked. Mayura stepped out as well, holding her fan up as she looked at them.

"My dear guardians," He smirked as the two stared in shock. "It's a pleasure to meet you,"

"It will be the first and the last time we meet," Mila declared as she took out a hidden dagger and charged at him. However before she could attack him, the Cobra holder appeared and grabbed her. She got out of his grip and sliced at him as Hawkmoth went to grab the boxes. Fu tried to stop him but Hawkmoth hit him with his cane and grabbed the eastern box as Mayura grabbed the western box.

"You're powerless against me, old man and Anatis isn't here to protect you," Hawkmoth declared as Mila and the Cobra holder battled it out. Fu looked over as the two struggled and fought. "Tell me the secret identities of Anatis and Lady Noir,"

"Never!" He declared as Mila tried to stab the Cobra holder. However, he twisted her hand and pushed the dagger into her gut, causing her to stumble back and collapse to the ground. "Mila!"

Hawkmoth looked over with annoyance before turning back to Fu.

"Help me get their miraculous and I won't harm you," He answered coolly. He didn't want either of the masters killed or hurt but he would do what he had to do. "Well?"

"You're not getting anything from me!" Fu declared, narrowing his eyes. "Wayzz!"

"Master, it's too dangerous!" Wayzz declared, rushing out of his pocket. "You're too old!"

"Shell on!" He declared, turning into his turtle hero form Jade Turtle. His style resembled an ancient Chinese warrior with some body armour. His shield doubled up as a cone hat and he had a mask over his eyes. Hawkmoth's eyes lit up as he saw the transformation. He may be a super villain but he did appreciate the outfits of the heroes. He would even aim that he liked Anatis' style but he would never say it out loud.

"Very impressive," He answered, charging at him as he went to hit him with his cane. The two fought for a while but it was clear Hawkmoth had the upper hand, especially when Mayura joined it. Realising he was outnumbered, Jade Turtle spun round and took down his hat.

"Shell-ter!" He declared, making a force field before Hawkmoth could land another hit on him. Instead, Hawkmoth sent the force field ball flying, causing it to break through the window and land on the ground. He jumped down, followed by Mayura and stalked over to him.

"You're on borrowed time, you crazy old man," He declared as she watched on, holding her fan. "I'll just wait for you to transform back,"

"My powers are no more time sensitive than yours," Jade Turtle declared, narrowing his eyes as he looked for an escape. He needed to attend to Mila but right now he couldn't see a way to get to her. "Obviously, you haven't learnt anything about the miraculous, Hawk Moth,"

"I've learnt enough to defeat you," He answered, surprisingly calm for a man who just got insulted so to speak. It made Jade Turtle a little afraid. "For example, your age is a great weakness for you. Yes, your power isn't time-sensitive... but your energy is! All I have to do is wait until you have no choice but to transform back. I think the end of superheroes has finally come,"

"You talk a lot but you haven't achieved much so far," Jade Turtle declared, narrowing his eyes again. He needed to make Hawkmoth angry. When people get angry, they get sloppy and impulsive. "Unless you count get beaten by a couple of teenagers everyday,"

"Your defeat will be my greatest achievement!" Hawkmoth declared, looking fairly intimidating against the red moonlight. He charged at Jade Turtle and slammed his cane into the force field repeatedly as Mayura joined in, slamming her foot against it. They repeatedly attacked it, causing it to go flying. It landed and bounced before cracks began to appear in it. Jade Turtle's eyes widened and he stood up, holding his hands out. It glowed and was repaired but he started to breathe heavily. He knew Hawkmoth was right. His powers might not be time sensitive but he was on borrowed time nevertheless. Hawkmoth laughed evilly as he and Mayura smirked towards him. "Let's see how long you can last, Guardian,"

~Back to Anatis~

Anatis swung across the city, frowning as he saw no one on the streets. Black Swan must have snapped them all away. He needed to find Kagami quickly and defeat him fast. He dropped down into the dance room, recalling Kagami had been there. He didn't see her as Anatis but she may have been hiding. He landed inside and glanced around before he heard movement. He turned round, causing Adrien and Kagami to peek out.

"Anatis!" Adrien gasped, jumping up as Kagami did the same thing. "Felix... he's been akumatized! He's snapping people out of existence!"

"He came and snapped my mother away," Kagami gasped, looking torn. On one hand, she felt free but on the other hand, it was her mother. "He said he was going to free us all from those who would control us. That the Red Moon would cleanse the world of wicked,"

"That explains why no one else is on the streets. He must be getting rid of them," Anatis mumbled before taking out the dragon miraculous. "I need Ryuko and Adrien, I think you need to come with us as well,"

"Not as Aspik?" Adrien asked, a little confused but Anatis shook his head.

"Felix is your cousin so we need Adrien," He mumbled, going with his gut. Usually, he wouldn't bring a civilian but something was telling him that Adrien would be essential to defeating Felix. After all, Felix cared deeply for Adrien. He just wasn't very good at showing it. "I'll make you're safe but I don't think Felix will hurt you,"

"Alright," Adrien nodded. "I trust you, Anatis,"

"Thank you," He nodded before handing the dragon to Kagami. She took it and greeted Longg before transforming into Ryuko. She picked up Adrien and nodded at Anatis before the three of them jumped out and headed to the Eiffel Tower. Ryuko put down Adrien as Anatis threw up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"

His outfit changed into his upgraded form as he summoned the lucky swarm that changed into a rope lasso. He caught it and glanced around yet nothing lit up yet. He tied it to his belt and turned to Ryuko.

"We need to take away his advantage so do you think you can use wind dragon to summon a wind storm to block out Red Moon's light?" He asked, making her think. "As soon as you do, he should come straight here to confront us,"

"Well, I've never tried to use it for that before but I think I can," She nodded before holding out her arms. "Wind dragon!"

She transformed into wind, disappearing into the sky. Not long after, dark clouds covered the red moon, blocking out the moonlight as a heavy wind blew.

"Anatis!" Black Swan shouted, jumping over before firing at him with the red wisp. Anatis jumped out of the way as the metal spikes burst through the floor and landed on the other side. Black Moon charged at him, causing Anatis to dodge and block him. As he did, he saw Adrien hiding at the side. His luck vision kicked in, causing Adrien to light up before Black Swan lit up and finally his rope. He kicked Black Swan back before nodding to Adrien. Black Swan got back up and went to fire his red wisp at Anatis but Adrien ran out in front of him, causing Black Swan to stop. "Adrien?"

"Felix," He gasped, looking at him. "You need to reverse this,"

"But... everything I've done... I've done it for you and our friends," He answered, lowering his guard a little. As he did, Anatis grabbed the rope lasso and threw it around Black Swan, pulling him towards him but before he could break item containing the akuma, Black Swan suddenly turned back into Felix and Red Moon disappeared from existence as the akuma and amok fluttered away, losing their colour as they did. Felix looked around extremely confused before looking at Anatis. "Anatis? What happened?!"

He gasped as his eyes widened with shock.

"Luka?! Is he ok?!" He gasped, making Anatis knee down and gently placed his hands on his shoulder to reassure him. However, he frowned as he noticed Felix' eyes hadn't turned back to his usual green. They were still a shiny gold. "The akuma! It was c-coming.... for... I feel really...."

His eyes suddenly rolled up in his head and he fell back as his body shook violently. Anatis quickly grabbed his head, holding it still.

"Felix!" Adrien gasped, shocked.

"Adrien, your jacket!" Anatis declared, making Adrien nod and take it off. "Fold it up and place it under his head,"

"R-right!" He gasped, doing as told as Ryuko reappeared. Her expression turned to one of horror as Felix' seizure continued. However, Anatis ordered her to take his place. She nodded and quickly held Felix's head as Anatis threw up the rope, releasing the cure. As soon as the swarm disappeared, he used his yoyo to call for an ambulance as Ryuko kept hold of his head, making sure he didn't injure it. Slowly, the seizure came to a stop just as the paramedics came. They checked out Felix and placed him on a stretcher. Anatis tapped his yoyo and used his prosperity ability, creating a charm for Felix. He took Adrien's hand and placed it in his palm.

"Go with your cousin and make sure he's ok," He ordered. "When he wakes up, give him that charm. It will protect him from Hawkmoth,"

"I will," He nodded before hugging Anatis, surprising him. "Thank you,"

With that, he rushed off with the paramedics as they took Felix downstairs. Ryuko turned to Anatis, who was frowning as he looked at his yoyo.

"Something wrong?" She asked as Lady Noir jumped over.

"What did I miss?" She asked, noticing Anatis was frowning. "Annie?"

"Hawkmoth recalled the akuma and Mayura recalled the amok," He mumbled. "Also Felix... he had a seizure from the akuma,"

"Like Luka's?" Lady Noir asked, concerned. He nodded. "That is very concerning,"

"I agree," Ryuko nodded. "Why did Felix have a seizure? And why did Hawkmoth recall his akuma?"

"Magic," A new voice added, causing the three heroes to look over. Atrarus was leaning against the door to the office of the Eiffel Tower. His eyes were closed and he was frowning. He pushed himself off it as he opened his eyes. "Those with Magic are sensitive to akumas due to the contradiction of mana. So when a mage gets akumatized, their magic goes into overdrive and they are less likely to be controlled by the butterfly user. Similar to spirits in that way but arguably more logical where-"

"Spirits completely lose control," Anatis mumbled, nodding. "Yes. We saw how Mei Shi was affected,"

"But if those seizures are caused by a contradiction of mana, does that mean Luka is a mage?" Lady Noir asked, thinking. "Cause I could totally believe that. He might not be as powerful as you though, Annie,"

"I have suspected that for a while," He replied, nodding but he noticed Ryuko looked confused and Atrarus had raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

"I recall you mentioning being a mage before I was snapped,” He mumbled, recalling early events. “What's your magic?"

"I actually haven't developed it completely yet," He admitted, making Atrarus frown. "I seem to have some sort of empathy though,"

"Empathy?" Atrarus stated as Anatis' earrings beeped. "Ah, time is up. We will talk again, Anatis. Good job on the akuma today,"

Before anyone could stay anything, he turned on his heel and disappeared in a sudden puff of smoke.

"Well, he's dramatic," Lady Noir stated before turning back to the other two. "See you soon, ok?"

Anatis nodded before she jumped away.

"I'm just going to hide in there to detransform," He stated, gesturing to the office. Ryuko nodded as he opened the door and closed it. A pink glow was seen underneath as she waited.

"Anatis... why do you think Hawkmoth reversed the akuma?"

"I'm not sure but it worries me," His voice was slightly muffled, due to the door. "Last time he did something like this, it led to Miracle Queen so I'll need to be on guard. I may have to call on you again but for now, I'm going to go ask the guardians. They may know,"

"Should I keep hold of the dragon miraculous?"

"No, just stay in a place I can easily reach you," He answered as the pink glow appeared again and he opened the door. Let's head down to the alley way so you don't have to go down the stairs,"

She nodded and the two heroes jumped down before she held out her arms.

"Longg, clear the skies," She declared, turning back into Kagami. She took off the miraculous and handed it to Anatis. He placed it back into its box and thanked her. "No problem, Anatis. I will go to the hospital to check on Adrien and Felix. Good luck with your investigation,"

"Thank you, Kagami," He nodded, giving her a weak smile as she ran off. "Time to go and check in with Mila and Fu,"

He threw his yoyo and swung off into the city.

~At the Arc de Triomphe~

"Your plan failed and still you fail to deliver Feng's recent life to us?!" Su Han declared as Mayura created a moth sentimonster from Hawkmoth's joy of victory, using it to continuously attack the force field Jade Turtle had created. Hawkmoth smirked, regardless of Su Han's insults as the monk paced around. The Cobra holder was stood there, along with Zoe Lee. Both had cold looks in their eyes as they waited for orders. "Why are you smirking?!"

"We have the guardian and both miracle boxes," Hawkmoth declared. "Victory is closer than it ever has,"

"And it's only a matter of time before Anatis realises and comes to find us!" Su Han declares. "You better have a plan!"

"Of course I do," He smirked. "We just need to buy time to break down the guardian's shield and once we've done that, we can not only get the mage's identity from him but also Anatis' and Lady Noir's. The closest I ever came to defeating Anatis was with Miracle Queen. If I can make one similar, he will be defeated and broken at my feet!"

"And who exactly do you intend to use for such an akuma?" Su Han asked. "That liar is far-"

"I will borrow one of your people," He answered, his eyes landing on Zoe. "You have the wasp Miraculous, yes?"

"I do, Sir," She answered. "Hive Mind is its ability. It allows me to take control of three people for five minutes, allowing me to see through their eyes and speak through them,"

"Perfect," He smirked. "Care to have an upgrade?"

She looked over at Su Han, who nodded.

"Stingg, Drone Rise Up!" She declared, causing her to transform into her wasp form. Her blonde hair turned black and she gained a braid that was coloured similar to a wasp's pattern with the hair at the bottom forming a stinger. She wore black pants with yellow stripes and drops. Her boots were black with yellow heels. Her top was yellow with black strips that folded slightly on her body and she had black strips that wrapped around her neck. Her collar was black with yellow stripes and there was a zipper on it where the wasp miraculous hung. She had a yellow belt around her waist and her gloves were black with yellow fingers. Her blow dart gun rested on one side of her hips while her darts rested on the other. Her mask was yellow with black strips and her skin looked a little more pale then she normally was. However, her eyes remained blue. She turned to Hawkmoth and bowed. "Cicada. At your service, Hawk Moth,"

"Excellent," He smirked, holding up his cane as it opened and an akuma flew out, landing in her miraculous. "Assassin Bee, I am giving you the power not to just control three minds but all minds. You will rule over Paris and use Parisians as your personal army. All I ask in return is for you to use them to capture Anatis, Lady Noir and the mage then bring them to me,"

"As you wish, Hawk Moth," She declared, causing the purple smog to cover her form.

~Back to Anatis~

Anatis swung towards Master Fu's new apartment but as soon as he got there, he saw the damage that Hawkmoth had done. His eyes widened and he quickly landed inside, causing him to gasp as he saw the place was trashed.

"Master Fu?!" He yelled, looking around. "Master Mila?!"

"A-Anatis..." Mila's voice sounded but she sounded weak. He wildly looked around before seeing her slumped against the wall. Her hand was resting on her stomach and it was stained with red as was the carpet and wall around her. His eyes widened in horror and he rushed over, kneeling in front of her as he tried to think what to do. "H-Hawkmoth... he took.... the boxes... and Master Fu..."

"W-what?" He gasped, looking shocked before his eyes widened even more. "Oh god. He must have followed me. This is my fault!"

"Luka..." She gasped, making him look at her. "Y-you have to save them... the kwamis need.... you..."

"No, no. You'll be ok... I'll try to use Toutai's power and heal you," He gasped, going to place his hands over the injury but she stopped him. "M-Mulan?"

"It's ok," She smiled weakly. "It's my time. T-Toutai already warned me..."

"But I have to save you," He gasped, tears in his eyes as he tried to tap into Toutai's power but he couldn't. Instead a wave of dizziness washed over him. He was too weak too. Unable to do that, he summoned a lucky charm but got nothing. "No! I don't understand! Tikki! Spots off!"

He turned back into Luka and turned to Tikki.

"Why couldn't I use a lucky charm?" He asked, tears began to roll down his face as Mila's breathing got worse. Tikki looked at her with shock and sorrow. "Why can't I use it to heal her?"

"T-t-there's no villain to defeat so there's no charm," She explained, making him frown. "It only works if there's a villain to fight. I'm sorry, Luka,"

He nodded and turned back to Mila, who looked extremely pale and weak. He gently took her hand as she smiled weakly at him.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, looking down.

"It-it's ok," She answered. "I g-get to see Toutai again..."

He nodded, keeping hold of her hand.

"L-Luka, look... look after the kwamis... for me...." She gasped, making him nod.

"I p-promise," He whispered as the light left her eyes and her body went still. He sniffed as tears rolled down his face, keeping hold of her hand as he leaned over and gently pushed her eyes down so they were closed. "I'm so sorry I failed you..."

He wiped away his tears as he whispered the transformation words, turning back into Anatis.

"But I will get the kwamis back and save Master Fu," He answered as her body began to disappear. He wasn't really surprised by that. She had lived for centuries after all. It made sense she was using magic to stay alive. He stood up as she completely faded away, wiping away his tears as anger began to settle. He turned and ran towards the hole in the building before jumping out and swinging into the city. He landed on a building as he saw citizens running from swamps of wasps before going still when they stung them. He narrowed his eyes and swung towards the Seine as the wasps began to chase him. He ate the green macaron as he did before diving into the water. As he suspected, the wasps had the same weakness as Queen Wasp' ones did. They couldn't go in the water. The swarm flew off as he took out his yoyo and texted a warning to Lady Noir before he swam off. He would deal with the wasps later. Right now, he needed to hunt down Hawkmoth and save Master Fu and the kwamis from him. "Hold on, Master Fu. I'm coming,"

Miraculous: Rise of Anatis - Chapter 76 - SassyDuckQueen (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.